Mexican President Launches International Campaign Against Social Media Censorship – IOTW Report

Mexican President Launches International Campaign Against Social Media Censorship

Legal Insurrection:

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador began an international campaign to fight against censorship by social media companies after they all banned President Donald Trump.

From The Associated Press:

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s administration is reaching out to other government to form a common front on the issue.

“I can tell you that at the first G20 meeting we have, I am going to make a proposal on this issue,” López Obrador said. “Yes, social media should not be used to incite violence and all that, but this cannot be used as a pretext to suspend freedom of expression.”

“How can a company act as if it was all powerful, omnipotent, as a sort of Spanish Inquisition on what is expressed?” he asked.

Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said Mexico is starting to build an international campaign around the issue.

“Given that Mexico, through our president, has spoken out, we immediately made contact with others who think the same,” Ebrard said, noting they had heard from officials in France, Germany, the European Union, Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia.

“The president’s orders are to make contact with all of them, share this concern and work on coming up with a joint proposal,” Ebrard said. “We will see what is proposed.”

The move comes after German Chancellor Angela Merkel criticized Twitter, describing the move as “problematic.” more

13 Comments on Mexican President Launches International Campaign Against Social Media Censorship

  1. And on that note, Twitter is apparently not linking anything from Breitbart or Twitchy. Keep clicking on tweets only to get an error page I’ve never seen before — and today of all days. Hmmm…

  2. …and I’d take some hope in this if all our Hispanic workers, even Hondurians and Guatemalans, weren’t getting squeezed out by African Muslims and Asians…

  3. Well folks, I hate to say it, but welcome to the Joe Biteme era of the Worthless, Traitorous, Federal Tit-Sucking Parasite ushering in an all new level of misery, fear and malaise where America will be deliberately bankrupted and reduced to it lowest level of SUCK so that Socialist/Communists, Progressives, Liberals, Slackers and overall untalented, incompetent Freaks can finally call themselves “successful” by stealing the hard-earned tax dollars of productive, hard-working Americans! The plundering the biggest plum on the Planet, The United States of America, has finally begun! The only real question that remains is: If we couldn’t find the determination and resources to fight an in-your-face, stolen election, where will we ever find the determination to take back a stolen America? Sadly it looks like Shit-Holes for everybody at this rate and Mexico will finish the wall to keep us out!

  4. The problem with Mexico is, to many Mexicans. However, OBiden is inviting them all up here. Cabo is pretty cool. Let’s meet down there. The place will be vacant in a week or two.
    My Mexican IOTW Friends are invited.

  5. Sometimes I get the notion that AmLo is a pretty smart guy under all that socialist bluster, and he understands what Trump was working at in Central America. Now he’s watching the shambling, lurching return of disastrous Obidenbama and Guaca Bowl Jeb immigration policies.

    Maybe he’ll host a Trump government in exile, or at least a Trump immigration policy think tank, in Mexico.


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