Mexican President Revives Obama Scandal – IOTW Report

Mexican President Revives Obama Scandal

Western Journal: The president of Mexico would like to have a word with America about a scandal from our past: Operation Fast and Furious.

Reuters reported Monday that Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was going to send a diplomatic note to Washington regarding the Obama-era operation, which ran from 2009 to 2011.

The operation doesn’t get much attention anymore, if just because the media operates under the pleasant fiction that there was nary the hint of a scandal during the Obama years. I know it’s difficult to believe, but the former president’s administration was besmirched by a few, in particular the gun-walking operation.

In a bumbling attempt to trace the path of illegally trafficked guns to drug cartels, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives authorized gun sellers to allow straw buyers to make purchases for the purpose of tracking the firearms.

The operation became public when two of the guns were found near where Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was murdered in 2010. read more

9 Comments on Mexican President Revives Obama Scandal

  1. that big bump, under the rug, is only a pile of smidgens

    “One of the guns used in the November 13, 2015 Paris terrorist attacks came from Phoenix, Arizona where the Obama administration allowed criminals to buy thousands of weapons illegally in a deadly and futile “gun-walking” operation known as “Fast and Furious.”
    A Report of Investigation (ROI) filed by a case agent in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF) tracked the gun used in the Paris attacks to a Phoenix gun owner who sold it illegally, “off book,” Judicial Watch’s law enforcement sources confirm.”

    and that was an Attorney General of the United States that did that with obama.
    an Attorney General.

  2. They didn’t need to track guns they knew and know who runs the cartels. They just won’t do anything about it. Should have taken Trumps offer to send in troops. It’d be all over by now.

  3. “… as long as Pelosi and her democrat friends continue to get their cut.”

    I’m guessing that envelopes get passed out on both sides of the aisle.

    Hard to have a problem persist for 50 years, through solid majorities in both Houses at one time or another, unless it’s by design.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Supplying weapons illegally to drug cartels who are trying to over throw the Mexican government is a violation of treaties and international law. When do we get to hang Eric Holder and the POS former POTUS for war crimes?

  5. What if the plan WAS to lose track of the guns.

    You know, pretend that you lost them during a sting but were actually making a payment for something like ‘Mexican Ice’ or legal donations to Hill & Bill, Chuck & Nancy, Barry & Mike.

    We have tenants in some of the buildings I service that regularly have Break & Enters when the clothing lines switch over after a particularly bad sales season.


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