Mexican President Says He’ll Campaign Against GOP if it Presses For Military Action Against Cartels – IOTW Report

Mexican President Says He’ll Campaign Against GOP if it Presses For Military Action Against Cartels

( – Taking aim at GOP lawmakers pushing for military action against Mexican drug cartels, President Andres Manuel López Obrador said Thursday that if the drive continues he will call on Mexican and Hispanic voters in the U.S. not to support the Republican Party.

One of the lawmakers involved advised López Obrador to “get a grip” and said he should be campaigning against the cartels murdering his people, rather than against those wanting to help.

“We are not going to allow any foreign government to intervene, much less the armed forces of a foreign government to intervene in our territory,” the Mexican president said during a press conference. “We are not a protectorate of the United States, nor a colony of the United States.”

The fentanyl crisis has prompted several Republican-led proposals to have the U.S. government designate the Mexican cartels as foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs), and use military assets against them. Proponents say they aren’t calling for U.S. troops to be deployed on the ground, but for the use of cyber, drones, and other capabilities against gangs responsible for the drugs that are killing tens of thousands of Americans each year.

The deaths of two Americans kidnapped in northeastern Mexico has fueled the calls. MORE

25 Comments on Mexican President Says He’ll Campaign Against GOP if it Presses For Military Action Against Cartels

  1. At some point it won’t matter what anyone supports, or doesn’t support. The people will spontaneously snap and the revolt will commence.

    And God help all of you assholes who wanted to keep humanity in a box, because the hunt won’t end for you.

  2. “Starting today we are going to launch an information campaign for Mexicans who live and work in the United States, and for all Hispanics, to inform them of what we are doing in Mexico, and how this initiative by the Republicans, in addition to being irresponsible, is an offense against the people of Mexico, a lack of respect for our independence, our sovereignty,” he said.

    “And if they do not change their attitude and think that they are going to use Mexico for their propaganda, electoral, and political purposes, we are going to call for them not to vote for that party, because it is interventionist, inhumane, hypocritical, and corrupt.”

    Those statements should be enough to forcibly deport the 60+ million Mexicans that have violated our border and immigration laws since Reagon….It also clearly explains the democrats desire to make honest elections impossible by contaminating the voter rolls with filthy law breaking Mexicans….

  3. ^^^^Have another one,that will mske everything better & sound….. your claim is all full of holes. First it not just Mexicans! But every country under the sun. Muslims, Russians, Egyptians Central & South Americans Mexicans are now the minority group of those.

  4. @ Ned….They all come through Mexico, so they’re Mexicans…..and if you follow my timeline, I’m talking about since the early 80’s when near all were Mexican or south and central Mexicans…..Mexico is providing aid and ability for the immigration breech with the help of the dumbass US politicians. Mostly democrats, but a fair amount of Republicans as well. Call them globalists….

  5. Let me help ya’ all out here. If you live in a city run by the likes of Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Tacoma etc. it impresses me as though your elected local elected officials are more likely than not being bought off by these very same cartels. It is common knowledge that the cartels are heavily invested in the Sex Trafficking and Drug Distribution strip malls that your local officials not only tolerate, but encourage through their policies. The apologetic for these “homeless camps” that are thinly veiled fronts for organized crime runs the gamut from harm reduction to lack of affordable housing, the reality is what it is and what it is transparent and obvious. As Rush always said: Follow the money and I would bet heavily that if a thorough and exhaustive investigation would uncover the same kind of bribery and money laundering as has been uncovered in Maricopa and Pima County Arizona in and around each and every Democrat machine controlled jurisdiction in the United States.

  6. We need to send that no good bastard a picture of his house, and pictures of the places he is known to frequent. Maybe a brief mention that there are multiple tracking devices on/in everything he touches. It doesn’t need to come from a government source, better yet it comes from Anon.

  7. Glaring fact is that Obrador is bought and paid for by Joe Biden who ‘purchased’ zillions of Mexicans to cross illegally over the US borders from via false promises of glory and riches. Biden’s scheme was to entrap these illegals into seks labor camps and as plantation workers for the global elite. Numerous illegals were discovered ‘shipped’ into the US via Biden’s orders and held in wood shipping containers which were nailed shut until Biden’s illegal crossover into the US. To date, many of these illegals have admitted they were duped by Joe Biden and their own government.

  8. What he doesn’t say is that he will campaign against the GOP even if they don’t consider military intervention.
    The Mexican government always campaigns against the GOP.

  9. Obrador is obviously on the take from both the drug cartels AND the demonrats.

    Time to repatriate the illegal-alien invading rat-people – since they’re still under the sway and dictatorship of Obrador, they should be in messico.

  10. It would be no surprise if it were revealed that “The Big Guy” received his “10%” of all cartel profits derived from US sales. Additionally, other agencies have been involved in the drug trade for a very long time. It’s just another political tool.

  11. It’s a win-win-win-win; Obrador gets rid of the poorest of their poor, the cartels get paid to traffic humans for labor or sex trade, Hunter and his buddies get all the heroin and fentanyl they can use and sell, and Joey gets his 10%.


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