Mexicans are paying in blood for our Central American amnesty policies – IOTW Report

Mexicans are paying in blood for our Central American amnesty policies

Conservative Review: Evidently, it’s not in vogue for politicians to care about the ill effects of illegal immigration on Americans, but perhaps it’s politically correct to finally take action based on what our open border is doing to Mexico.

According to information released this week by Mexico’s interior ministry, a record 33,341 murder probes were opened in Mexico last year. That in itself is a 15 percent increase from 2017’s record of 28,866. In 2014, the number of murders in Mexico stood at 16,108 after peaking the previous years during the decade-long drug war between the Mexican government and the cartels. Why has the number of homicides doubled since 2014? The rival cartels are fighting with each other to gain control over the lucrative smuggling routes, because of the DACA amnesty driving the smuggling from Central America.

What has happened over the past few years? In fiscal year 2012, before Obama enacted his illegal DACA program, in which Central Americans were encouraged to come here with children and never be deported, the number of family units caught at our border from the northern triangle countries (El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala) was 1,489. By FY 2014, that number surged to 61,334. In FY 2018, it was up to 103,509, but most of the surge was in the latter part of the year, a trajectory that has only grown this year without any plateau. The numbers will likely top 200,000 for FY 2019.

Likewise, the number of UACs in FY 2011 from those same three countries was 3,912. It exploded to 51,705 just three years later, a baseline that has held steady the past year and a half.

The rise in UACs grew with DACA, and the rise in family units with kids rose with recent court opinions on top of the promise of “dream” amnesty.  more here

12 Comments on Mexicans are paying in blood for our Central American amnesty policies

  1. Mejico is no longer our fathers Mejico. It’s a terrorist state. They’ve gone from “We don’t need mo stinking badges” to hey, let’s kill everyone in sight. The Cartels unquestionably wheel the power down there. And have reportedly paid elected officials like Pelosi one hell of a lot of money. Build the damn wall.

  2. MJA
    Ah, that’s an old duck hunter thing. While in a target rich environment, it’s still necessary to aim at something in particular.
    But to reiterate, Mexico is a Terrorist state.

  3. Yes, build the wall. And what about deputizing average citizens that pass the appropriate background checks to support guarding the wall from invaders. I’m betting we would have a small army. And speaking for myself, I’d show up with everything that is legal for a citizen to have. Sure, it would involve some risk, but in a very short period of time the cartels would realize we are serious. I’m already old, I’m not going to live to 100, I’m volunteering right now.

  4. Even a single-celled ameba can figure out how this country is being hi-jacked by commie loving, liberty hating, ‘one world government’ ASSHOLES.

    Chances are,the fight will be ugly but for American patriots; it will be worth it.

  5. Mexico is a sick, sick shithole. Always has been. Always will be. We missed a major opportunity to annex a bigger portion and minimize the border issue.

    Corruption at its best.


  6. I was in the Yucatan in ’82
    and went all over the place
    in the company car and rental
    car.We drove dirt roads in the middle
    of no where and thought we were lost
    forever,then we came out at a small village.
    2 Tecates with chips and salsa that put
    blisters on your tongue and off we went…
    I got to see alot of places before they got
    spoiled,ruined and dangerous.

  7. We had a chance to save mexico from the mexicans (1846) and we let it slide.
    Too late now.
    No one believes in “Manifest Destiny” any longer.

    So, fuck em – if you can’t civilize them, at least keep em out.
    We don’t allow rats, snakes, and cockroaches into our homes, do we?
    (yes, they sneak in, but that’s not the same as importing them)

    izlamo delenda est …


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