Mexico files complaint about Texas ‘buoy barrier,’ says it violates boundary laws – IOTW Report

Mexico files complaint about Texas ‘buoy barrier,’ says it violates boundary laws


Officials from Mexico filed a complaint to the U.S.government regarding the “buoy barrier” installed by Texas along the Rio Grande River, citing that it might violate international treaties, according to The Associated Press.

On Friday, Mexico’s Foreign Relations Secretary Alicia Bárcena announced that the country will send an inspection team to evaluate the barrier along the river to see if it violates any treaties. 

Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott said that this barrier was installed to protect the border. more

35 Comments on Mexico files complaint about Texas ‘buoy barrier,’ says it violates boundary laws

  1. International treaties are for fools! The War Treaty signed at the Hague said using 50 cal machine guns on men was ILLEGAL. Chi Come used them on us! I HAVE DIRECT PERSONAL EXPERiENCE! 57 + 58 years ago.

  2. It’s also violating Boundary Laws to let people cross at non designated entry points.
    I would be arrested if I entered Mexico in the same manner they are exiting.

  3. Mexico is one effed-up country. The northern part appears to be controlled by vicious narcotics gangs. Also, think of the numbers of Americans who go to their beach resorts and end up attacked and/or dead. Mexicans can spot a US tourist from a thousand meters away. We’re already marked as victims before we even get off the plane.

    I know the majority of people who live there are good people, but they are not the ones in control.

  4. Didn’t Hungary let the illegals in 1000 yards and fence them off….take their names….and leave them dangling in the wind….

    Eventually when they don’t gain entry they’ll turn around and go home….meanwhile the land owners can collect rent/stipend from our government.

    Whatever the Hungarians did they stopped their invasion quickly.

  5. @ an ol ex

    We used 50-caliber MG on them too. And why not? Hell, we used more deadly weapons than that on ’em. Those B-52 strikes blasted holes 30-40 feet wide in the ground.

    To me, besides their great fire power, the 50-cal MG was a beautiful thing, like it was designed by an artist. Sleek but deadly, like the beautiful lady in the old Terry and the Pirates and Steve Canyon comic strips.

  6. @Tim: “To me, besides their great fire power, the 50-cal MG was a beautiful thing, like it was designed by an artist.”

    It was, his name is John Moses Browning.

  7. Mexico can stick it up their ASS
    They are and have been for more than 50 years
    violating international law by allowing
    these “wetbacks” to invade the USA without penalty.


    WE can start non-stop machine guns at the border
    at our discretion because YOU are violating
    International Law

    Time to start treating PIGS


  8. Kinda off topic. I notice the federal government is once again running ads about litter again.
    Americans haven’t much littered since the ads originally ran in the 1960s.

    Try running those ads in Spanish.

    The third world is a litter filled shithole and Biden is letting them in.

  9. If the buoys violate boundary laws, fine. Hordes of hostile foreign nationals crossing the border without our permission constitutes an act of war. We can reply with Operation LINEBACKER III.

    Subotai Bahadur

  10. Where are the activists/extremists??? It is VERY politically incorrect. It’s sexist, only a “buoy” barrier and not a “guirl” barrier, isn’t inclusive/equitable and lacks proper pronouns. Just wrong on so many levels…….


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