Mexico Objects To Labor Enforcement Provision In North American Trade Deal – IOTW Report

Mexico Objects To Labor Enforcement Provision In North American Trade Deal

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexico’s deputy foreign minister, Jesus Seade, said on Saturday he sent a letter to the top U.S. trade official expressing surprise and concern over a labor enforcement provision proposed by a U.S. congressional committee in the new North American trade deal.

Top officials from Canada, Mexico and the United States on Tuesday signed a fresh overhaul of a quarter-century-old deal, aiming to improve enforcement of worker rights and hold down prices for biologic drugs by eliminating a patent provision.

How labor disputes are handled in the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) trade deal was one of the last sticking points in the negotiations between the three countries to overhaul the agreement.

Intense negotiations over the past week among U.S. Democrats, the administration of Republican U.S. President Donald Trump, and Mexico produced more stringent rules on labor rights aimed at reducing Mexico’s low-wage advantage.

However, an annex for the implementation of the treaty that was presented on Friday in the U.S. House of Representatives proposes the designation of up to five U.S. experts who would monitor compliance with local labor reform in Mexico. read more

20 Comments on Mexico Objects To Labor Enforcement Provision In North American Trade Deal

  1. Good luck with that. It’s tough to negotiate a meaningful free trade agreement (while this one isn’t, it’s close in a lot of areas) when one of the partners provides for almost no worker protection in the area of wages, worker safety, job security or environmental protection and whose government (at least half I suspect) has been co-opted by some of the largest criminal groups in the world whose sole product destroys the lives of hundreds if not millions of residents of the other two partners.

  2. five U.S. experts who would monitor compliance with local labor reform in Mexico

    So is that two goombas and three pedotrannies? Or three goombas and two pedotrannies? A compromise? Two goombas, two pedotrannies, and a more American than Americans because xhe’s got three passports, to lead them all?

  3. Who cares what anyone in the Mexican government thinks? Any country that would dump it’s poor people into a neighboring country just to get out of taking care of them is reprehensible. We’re supposed to pretend it’s our moral obligation, like Mexico hit an iceberg and is sinking, not that it is a third world hellhole due to it’s corrupt leadership.

  4. @Left Coast Dan December 15, 2019 at 11:37 am

    > We may have to wait until 2021, when we have a Republican House.

    Bloomberg’s Chamber of Commerce ‘ll fix that all, right up.

  5. Free trade with a country with a 10:1 wage advantage is ruinous for the rich country’s workers (see USA and China). But this is not about American workers. It is about locking in an economic rent seeking advantage for the moneyed American elite who have will free reign to once again gut the working middle class into a poor, drug addicted peasantry while skimming profits from arbitraging the US-Mexico wage differential.

  6. “This has Pelosi’s stench all over it.”

    More of a heady bouquet of old lady musk, vintage florals, tanned leather, stale cigarettes, silicone, infant plasma, holy Catholic smoke, and malfunctioning liver enzymes.

  7. The solution is so simple, I can’t believe we haven’t done it yet. Just build a bunch of Home Depots in Mexico. Then the laborers can hang out there all day, bothering everyone who drives a pickup into the parking lot, and won’t have to sneak into Home Depots on the US side.
    Please send my Nobel Prize to the address listed below….

  8. Mexico has a Government?

    There are drug patents on Heroin, Meth, Coke, MDMA, Fen?

    The work force pays Taxes and gets Benefits?

    Never mind the wall. Make it a Rampart with mini guns.

  9. @Thirdtwin DECEMBER 15, 2019 AT 12:09 PM

    Thanks for the link, Thirdtwin. Isn’t it funny how the left always call the border barrier a “fence” rather than a “wall” when they think it is critical of President Trump’s promise to “Build That Wall”, but the fence suddenly becomes a wall when they are trying to convince us it will obstruct storm water flow.

  10. Glad to bring it, Tony R. Looks like the DHS pushback started when Wolf and Cuccinelli took over last month. Let’s see what happens now that the right people are watching the IBWC.


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