Mexico: Tijuana Mayor Denounces ‘Horde’ Of Caravan Migrants, Calls For Swift Deportation – IOTW Report

Mexico: Tijuana Mayor Denounces ‘Horde’ Of Caravan Migrants, Calls For Swift Deportation

Daily Caller:

Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum said Thursday that caravan migrants arriving by the hundreds are no longer welcome, an increasingly common sentiment among residents of the Mexican border city.

Gastelum described the caravan of Central American migrants as a “horde” that has been infiltrated by criminals who now threaten the community, in an interview with Milenio Television.

“Tijuana is a city of immigrants, but we don’t want them in this way,” the mayor, a member of the conservative National Action Party, said. “It was different with the Haitians, they carried papers, they were in order. It wasn’t a horde, pardon the expression.”

Gastelum called on the Mexican government to deport the caravan migrants as soon as possible.

“You’re going to tell me we have to respect human rights,” he said. “But human rights are for law-abiding humans.”

The mayor’s comments reflected anger among many Tijuana residents at the increasing number of caravan migrants who have been streaming into the city since last weekend. About 3,000 were there as of Thursday night, and thousands more are expected to arrive over the coming weeks.  more here

14 Comments on Mexico: Tijuana Mayor Denounces ‘Horde’ Of Caravan Migrants, Calls For Swift Deportation

  1. Sounds like a plan. If they deport all the illegal immigrants from Mexico, we can deport all the illegal immigrant Mexicans, Haitians, Islamists and other lawbreakers from the US.

  2. So these meguurantes are mostly young men right???
    Then that means they left the women & children
    to fend off the vicious gangs of rapers,child kidnappers
    and murderer’s.Yea,those are the type of”men” we need…

  3. The majority of democrat voters are women. The migrants are young men. Women like young men. Same thing in Europe. If the migrants were young women I would probably want them here.

  4. Wait, wait! There must be some misunderstanding! Doesn’t the mayor realize that these caravans don’t actually exist? That’s what the media has been saying all along. The mayor should be watching our mainstream news to find out what’s REALLY going on.

  5. My business is very close to the border and I have an employee (US citizen married to a girl with dual US/Mexican citizenship) who lives in Tijuana. He stayed with his parents in San Diego the other night because his neighborhood in TJ had been overrun with ‘migrants’.

    There was video on local news yesterday of people south of the border throwing rocks with the implication that they were throwing them at border patrol agents. The reality is that it was Mexican citizens throwing rocks at the ‘migrants’. Bet you won’t see that reported by the fake news media.

  6. “dual US/Mexican citizenship”
    Can’t decide?

    Can’t serve two masters – by the by, does she get to pay taxes on both citizenships? Should be required.

    Sorry. I know this is tangential to the story but, seriously? Dual citizenship? Sort of like an izlamo-Jew? A Catholic-Protestant?

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “You’re going to tell me we have to respect human rights,” he said. “But human rights are for law-abiding humans.”

    Precisely so.

    A little investigation would probably reveal that many of these oppressed migrants used plastic drinking straws during their trek across Mexico and will continue to do so if they make it into Kalifornia. This has the potential of provoking a serious crisis among Kalifonian progressives.


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