Mexico ‘Worried’ That Biden Is ‘Stoking Illegal Immigration’ – IOTW Report

Mexico ‘Worried’ That Biden Is ‘Stoking Illegal Immigration’


At this point, I think we can say Joe Biden has a crisis on the border. Jen Psaki may not want to label it as a crisis. When the Mexican government is worried about Biden “stoking” illegal immigration, the can’s open and the worms are scattering. Detentions at the border have surged since Biden was inaugurated, and Mexico is concerned. The concern comes with a request for more development aid, naturally. But things are still no bueno.

13 Comments on Mexico ‘Worried’ That Biden Is ‘Stoking Illegal Immigration’

  1. Joe Biden doesn’t have a crisis. It’s more like a goal for him, a desired outcome. His only crisis is there isn’t more than 6000 per day.

    Crisis for ordinary Americans though, for sure.

  2. The democraps’ hatred for Trump is so intense, that Bitme’s ONLY instructions from his communist handlers have been to reverse EVERY Trump EO and policy – REGARDLESS of how much damage it will inflict on the US.

    Thus, his Anti-Border Policy.

  3. If you have a country that is known to supply food, housing and medical care for free if you just get your ass inside, well, citizens of failed states will find a way to get there.

    We are that country.

    We have taken on the role of ‘lifeboat’ for the planet. We are now in the process of finding out how many it takes to sink the lifeboat.

  4. When the President of the most corrupt country in North America thinks that the Obiden-Kalamity Administration is creating a problem for Mexico, you know it’s a real big damned problem. The Dementiacrats don’t care because they want to destroy this country. Corrupt, dishonest, stolen elections sure have consequences, don’t they?

  5. I see this exploding, and probably this spring. Not just immigration, this administration’s handling of everything. Even the lamestream media is beginning to talk about problems.
    Replacing him with Kamala will happen, but since she will continue the policies that got Joe ousted the change will only bring a short respite.

  6. Marco – When the President of the most corrupt country in North America –
    Ahhh… Obrador is to Jackass Joe whut Carter wuz to the Obamboozler… relieved to be in second place!!

  7. TFR: I understand your distinction, but while the United States has become almost unrecognizable, it’s not a failed Narco State yet. The Mexican government can funnel its murderers and rapists over our open border, but the Dementiacrats can’t send them anywhere except to cities away from the border. We are doomed to become a Third World Shithole known as the United States of Northern Mexico unless something is done right away, and that seems unlikely. Remember, it’s not a problem, it’s a challenge.

  8. Marco – I’m glad you acknowledge that the United States has become almost unrecognizable and I agree that we are doomed to become a Third World Shithole known as the United States of Northern Mexico unless something is done right away. The fact that the “war on drugs” we’ve been waging for the past half century is a complete failure and that we are now letting anything and everything come over the border unfettered including cartel action should qualify us as a failed narco state.


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