Mexico’s Day of the Dead Takes Over Halloween – IOTW Report

Mexico’s Day of the Dead Takes Over Halloween


AT: It’s practically official: The truly unique American Halloween experience has been forced to incorporate the Mexican Day of the Dead.  Elite globalists made a decision somewhere, somebody flipped a switch, and 2017 sees the dawn of the Day of the Dead in America.


Also known as “Dia de los Muertos,” it’s suddenly appearing in decorations, costumes, candy, magazine covers, games and any other place it can be crammed down our throats.  I’m sure some people in Southern states are aware of this holiday, but this year it’s been commercialized across the country.  I can personally confirm that Day of the Dead decorations have made it to stores near the Canadian border; leaving many hillbilly New Yorkers scratching their heads at the flowers and sugar skulls spilling off their local Halloween shelves.


SNIP: When I lived in CA, I started seeing dia de los muertos replacing Halloween in colleges and schools back in the early 2000’s.
That’s where everything global and liberal oriented starts. The Schools. California schools, specifically.

24 Comments on Mexico’s Day of the Dead Takes Over Halloween

  1. That and goddam piñatas. I thought they were stupid even when I was a little, and they started foisting that crap on us. It’s like animal sacrifice for kids. Enough of this Mayan deviltry. Why is this crap acceptable for American kids, but wearing a sombrero carries the death penalty?

  2. Few people know that “trick or treat” has it’s origins in the practice where people in a community (way back when – not modern times) would go around offering prayers for deceased loved ones in a house (supposedly to reduce time spent in purgatory) and received treats (cakes and small sugar laced breads) in return.

    It had little to do with Halloween or celebrating dead people.

    But like most issues of cultural approbation it grew into something different.

  3. Mexicans definitely have a certain Voodoo side to their culture. When I was young I worked at a wholesale Nursery driving delivery trucks. We had a ton of illegals working there. Back then all great people. Entire families working there. Everyone one of the scared to death of frogs. Like turn pale and run scared. The most I could get out of them is that it had something to do with an evil spirit.

  4. Chalupa
    I thought you lived near me. Haven’t seen it in El Dorado County. I rarely wonder down the hill. Considering our State Government has done everything they can to empower the illegal, sadly I’m not surprised.

  5. I live in Placer County Brad – there’s not a lot of places in this state I haven’t been to. Sad what this place has turned into. Mexicans say they come here for a better life, but they vote for the same tyrants that destroy their homeland. Loveable losers.

  6. Chalupa,

    Agreed. The one little shiny spot is I know several self employed American Mexicans and they want the wall bad. Everyone a Trump voter. Obviously they don’t out weigh the invasion of our state.

  7. Oh come on people. I lived in Woodburn, Oregon for 3 years. It was a little more than 50% Hispanic. I’m sure there were several illegals amongst us. Anywho, the kids all loved Halloween. They also liked Independence Day. Dia de los Muertos isn’t replacing anything. Mexico is our neighbor. Of course we are going to inherent some of their culture. Do you think that they don’t see American culture in Mexico? Hell, Cinco de Mayo in Mexico is like celebrating, I dunno, Arbor Day here. Its a non issue for them. Here, we celebrate it because its another excuse to drink beer. And that’s a bad thing? What ive learned about Mexican culture is that they LOVE to have parties. Ever been to a 1 year old, 2 year old, 5 year old Mexican kid’s birthday party? I have. They love to party! And they were very welcoming to this Gringo and introduced me to some tequila that I actually didn’t barf back up.

    Naw. Dia de los Muertos sure as shit isn’t a threat. I welcome it.

  8. Bman

    Use to have a Mex girl friend. Attended many extended family events and I’ve witnessed several really really dark episodes. Just sayen don’t get sucked into that shit because sometimes it turns bad.

  9. I am very conservative but I don’t hate on Mexicans, just illegal ones. I love Mexican food and the legal immigrants I have met work hard and are friendly. If you look back on the history of our country, and even way further back we westerners have been absorbing things we like about other cultures for a long, long time.

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