Mexico’s Foreign Minister Has Come To Accept That A Border Wall Is Coming – IOTW Report

Mexico’s Foreign Minister Has Come To Accept That A Border Wall Is Coming


When then-candidate Donald Trump was proposing a border wall, then-Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu called it “impractical” and “wrong.” Ruiz Massieu is no longer Mexico’s foreign minister, and the new man in the role, Luis Videgaray, has come to accept Trump’s border wall.

“It is impossible to think of a 2,000-mile border being walled off and trade between our two countries stopped,” Ruiz Massieu said last February. “It is impractical, inefficient, wrong and, frankly, it is not an intelligent thing to do.”

Foreign Minister Videgaray said in an appearance on MSNBC Thursday that it’s “very clear from the president himself” that the wall is going to be built. The Mexican foreign minister added that he acknowledges “that the US as a sovereign nation like any other sovereign nation has a right to protect its borders the way the country best thinks it.”

Videgaray said that Mexico doesn’t “like the idea of a border wall,” “but it’s not for us to decide.”


14 Comments on Mexico’s Foreign Minister Has Come To Accept That A Border Wall Is Coming

  1. The Mexicans are going to enlist every Leftist legal organization in America to resist and delay the deportation of every illegal alien without a serious legal conviction. Get ready for years of heart wringing stories of thousands of poor people who have been living in the shadows for decades. Immigration court judges have been fundamentally transformed during the last eight years, and there are going to be many successful appeals. The only shadow these people should be living in is on the south side of the Make America Great Wall. It’s about damn time to get this done!

  2. All true, marco. But it’s no cakewalk anymore. That’s going to be a factor in a million future decisions south of the border. And if President Trump aggressively pursues the expulsion of illegal alien voter frauds with all of the other felons, the unnatural chasm between the Electoral College and the popular vote will virtually disappear.

  3. This man isn’t president no more but he still working hard to continue destroyed America what a son of bi—— deported is ass to Kenya .he used a social security card from Connecticut

  4. Everyone should read about Eisenhower’s Operation Wetback The article explains the moral, ethical and legal reasons for the crackdown which apply as much today as then. It also shows how incredibly quickly the problem can be solved if the rule of law is respected.

    In 1954, with 1/10 the number of border patrol he deported fewer than 100,000 illegals. The remaining 2.9 million illegals got the message and self-deported. Illegal immigration was a non-issue for the next 10 years.

  5. Hey amigo, The wall has nothing to do with trade. A lot of red herrings keep getting dragged across the wall issue, just as they always do any time any nation decides to defend its borders. “We can’t shut ourselves out from the rest of the world.” “We can’t just retreat behind a wall and stop the flow of goods and information into our country.” All BS. The wall has nothing to do with trade. Trade can increase, decrease, or stay the same after the wall is built. We’ll reach mutual agreement on that. As with any other protective structure, it is not a impenetrable barrier, it can allow all kinds of things to enter and to leave.

  6. Offering support to the invaders is literally an invitation.
    Eliminating that support will make a physical wall unnecessary.
    And no more clogging up our courts- those are for U.S. citizens. Which you ain’t. If undocumented, out you go.
    And don’t come back.

    We don’t need no steenkin’ muzzies. Boot ’em.
    Terrorist muzzies to Gitmo.
    “Refugees,” my ass.

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