Mexico’s newly-elected congresswoman kidnapped – IOTW Report

Mexico’s newly-elected congresswoman kidnapped

Telesur: The congresswoman, elected on July 1st to represent the State of Veracruz, was traveling in a car in the Mexican State of Hidalgo.

Newly-elected lower chamber federal lawmaker Norma Azucena Rodriguez Zamora was traveling in a vehicle alongside the highway between Mexico City and Tuxpan when two armed and masked men intercepted and kidnapped her.

The congresswoman, elected on July 1st to represent the State of Veracruz, was traveling in a car in the Mexican state of Hidalgo when two gunmen shot at her, injuring the driver and an assistant and causing the vehicle to crash. The attackers removed Norma Rodriguez from her car and forced her into their vehicle.

The 32-year-old official is due to take office on September 1st, to represent the coastal state of Veracruz in Mexico’s federal lower house in Congress, for the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). Before being elected as a lawmaker, Norma Azucena was the mayor of Tihuatlan in the Veracruz State. more here

21 Comments on Mexico’s newly-elected congresswoman kidnapped

  1. “The 32-year-old official is due to take office on September 1st, to represent the coastal state of Veracruz in Mexico’s federal lower house in Congress”

    Sad to say they’ll find her beheaded and hanging upside down from a bridge. This is how the cartel does things.

  2. “Ah, not to worry. She’ll be traded for a pair of beach sandals and a plate of red snapper ceviche with tomatillo, lime and avocado salsa…”

    Why don’t I find that funny? Here’s a young woman stepping up trying to fight the corruption and suddenly it amateur comedy hour. The sooner the Mexican people retake their country the lower we need to build the wall. I’ve spent a little time in Mexico. Spent a lot of time around hard working Mexicans. They are an honorable people. I’ll pray she’s found alive. Doubtful. At least Willy will get a laugh.

  3. PRD…Communist and killers….otherwise OK..Knew the leader in one state, had many a beer over time with him and we were friends but he made sure that I knew that I sometimes made him mad and he might one day kill me or my family…he had a little boy,

  4. Oh Boy… I’m Brad’s fight du nuit….
    First tell me she didn’t participate in her own kidnapping… I hope she didn’t…
    I’ve worked with wet backs for 45 years….some are terrific human beings and some are true assholes…it’s called humanity…

    True quote from someone that I perceive to be a decent human being…Bad Brad….”FUCK OFF”… you’ve used that line to me and a couple of others …

  5. “I’ve worked with wet backs for 45 years….some are terrific human beings and some are true assholes…it’s called humanity…”

    But yet you celebrate this womans demise? Are you actually Steven Colbert?

    I’ll say God Bless the Mex patriots trying to save their country. They may need our help.

  6. Did I celebrate her demise?….NO!….did she die?….I don’t know, do you?….

    Now I’m Stephan Colbert and an asshole according to you…

    Do you know if she’s living in a villa celebrating her kidnapping?. that’s a legitimate question given the state of Mexican politics….go ahead, call me some more names….you toad licker….LOL…

  7. Toad licker IS a regional hick insult and California has more toads per capita the any other state….gimme another you toad fart smeller…..I’m in a mood and willing to bare the brunt of your sputum….

  8. Yeah well, lots of luck lady, the assholes that despise law and order are everywhere.
    Those of us that prefer the rule of law seldom get our way. Apparently because we are too timid to retaliate with equal or greater force to overcome the evils that threaten the very existence of civility.
    I am more than ready to meet the evildoers with a greater force than they can handle.

  9. Even odds she’ll get the 55 gallon drum of acid treatment others have gotten and just vanish. Many nations won’t stand for the arising of others following the example of Trump (but no idea if that’s what this poor woman would have been like; either way, I feel very sad for her).

    Make no mistake any of you (especially LiR): God’s wrath is only on pause, it does not sleep. You want justice? That’s great, so do I. But everyone not hidden in and justified by Christ will answer to Him according to their works…and NO ONE’S works will measure up to His standard. That means that some very pious, polite and trustworthy neighbors who never hurt a fly will end up in the Lake of Fire next to evil cartel child butchers…for ALL have sinned and fall short of the standard of God.

    God’s only dividing line for humanity today is either in Christ or out of Christ. No third option.

  10. Most likely one of the very few politicians left who was not on the take, so they had to intercept her and are either going to kill her or use threats and torture to make her yet another one of their pawns. Either way the cartel runs Mexico.


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