Mexico’s President Says Blame Solely On Biden: ‘Trump Kept The Border Clear’ – IOTW Report

Mexico’s President Says Blame Solely On Biden: ‘Trump Kept The Border Clear’

Geller Report:

The Democrats are deliberately destroying Trump-solid relationships with our closest foreign allies while aiding and abetting the worst violators of human rights and state-sanctioned terror. Ask yourself this, why? Related: WashPost: Mexico Ends Trump-Era Border Cooperation.

Mexican president blames Biden for border crisis because ‘he created expectation that border crossing would be ‘easier’. MORE

6 Comments on Mexico’s President Says Blame Solely On Biden: ‘Trump Kept The Border Clear’

  1. Kinda funny, that Libtard Mex President actually got along with Trump. Actually liked him. And now, he’s required to deal with a brain dead sock puppet guided by an evil committee of total Nazi Assholes that we should have shot already. They’re much smarter than us, and kicking are asses. And I for one, am fucking tired of losing.

  2. Mexico Ends Trump-Era Border Cooperation –
    Aaaaaaaannnnnd why wouldn’t they?
    Why should they honor a deal that has been turned into a total joke by a kakistocracy of idiots led by a worn-out, grinning imbecile who steps on his dick every time he opens his big mouth! Who the hell wants to be associated with THAT!! Most successful people understand a basic, fundamental rule: “Never associate with idiots on their own level”


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