Mexico’s rampant racism decried by the UN – IOTW Report

Mexico’s rampant racism decried by the UN


American Thinker: Does anyone beat the racism drum against the U.S. harder than Mexico over the question of illegal immigration and pretty much anything else?  Just four days ago, loudmouth former Mexican President Vicente Fox blamed President Trump’s “racism” for the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, as if he knew what he was talking about.  Naturally, he claims that anyone who opposes illegal (as opposed to legal) immigration is “racist,” too.  Mexico’s now-former president Felipe Calderón, during his presidency, also declared any moves to enforce U.S. immigration law racist, and later on came up with this blather against U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump:

“He is acting and speaking out against immigrants that have a different skin color than he does, it is frankly racist and [he is] exploiting feelings like Hitler did in his time,” Calderon told reporters in Mexico City. Calderon called Trump a “false prophet.”

There’ve also been numerous lower-level Mexican officials, mostly from border states, who have filed lawsuits and made statements against the U.S. decrying racism for any efforts it has made to enforce border laws.  Nobody has beat the drum louder about U.S. racism than Mexico.

This is interesting, because it turns out the Mexicans have quite a few racism problems of their own.  Fresh off Vatican Radio, which takes this sort of news from the United Nations seriously, the Mexicans have been told to clean up their act on all the rampant racism against their indigenous peoples, something that has been going on as long as there’s been a Mexico.  MORE

SNIP:  Oye! ¡ Tráeme más palomitas!

10 Comments on Mexico’s rampant racism decried by the UN

  1. Discrimination against the Mexico. Un can’t do fuc bitch. Don’t like it go back to your shit hole country. I don’t wanted your fuc criminals illegal aliens in the USA take your sombrero, chalupa, chihuahua. And tacos back to Mexico with your Guinea pigs.

  2. Latin American culture and society are generally very racist. Blacks, and indigenous people are routinely discriminated against, derided and shunned. (Blackface is still common on TV and the theater. Actors with indigenous or African features are grossly underrepresented, and those that do get roles are usually stuck playing stereotypes such as servants, rural rubes or criminals.) There is generally, at best, a polite condescension toward them. (A Peruvian dancer once explained that, while there was a significant African presence in Peru, the Peruvians only brought in the “best” slaves. In many countries, indigenous women wearing traditional clothing are routinely addressed as “Maria”.)

    Mixed race individuals, which make up the majority of the Latin American population, tend to ignore any African or indigenous ancestry, unless they (claim to have) descended from royalty. Often, pure-blood indigenous people will go through the “mestizaje”, a word which has evolved to mean westernization and abandonment of traditional norms.

    Socialism and Communism have proven to be no great remedy. Blacks in Cuba have their place, and must stay in it. Indigenous rights throughout socialist Latin America are routinely pushed aside for visionary projects that bring glory and riches to the State and the Dictator.

    Populism, on the Left, on the Right or in the Middle, use underprivileged ethnic and racial minorities the same way Democrats use them in the US. They have been domesticated, living off the largesse (well, not really all that large) of the government, as long as they show up to rallies and vote for the right candidate.

    There has been a lot of progress in the past few decades, but it is slow going. Countries with large indigenous populations are celebrating their heritage, if sometimes slightly distorted by popular preconceptions. Just as in the US, the success and prominence of black athletes, musicians and artists are changing popular perceptions, enabling recognition in politics, business and academia.

    All that being said, I don’t think that we will have much success pointing out the hypocrisy to Mexicans and Latinos calling us racists.

  3. All cultures think they are the better and look down on all others or at least look at them as a curiosity like going to the zoo or at best pander to them by saying they are “clean”, “can speak with no negro dialect” “You’re so intelligent” etc….
    It’s universal so get over it.

  4. We’re all FOR diversity here! We’ll be loading the catapults with ILLEGAL Mexicans & Guatemalans, Cubans & Haitians, Peruvians & Colombians, Argentinians & Costa Ricans! And black, white, brown, & yellow ICE agents will be firing them, in one happy, fuggin’, rainbow arc, over the damn WALL!!! >:->

  5. Every time some Leftard asshole sermonizes to me that America’s immigration policies are harsh and racist, I tell them “maybe things would be better if we copy Mexico and use the same immigration laws they have”

    the dumbasses fall for it every time. Look at Mexico’s laws; I’d purely love if we adopted & enforced their immigration regs.

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