MI Judge Orders Dem Sec of State To Release All Communications With Dominion, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Google – IOTW Report

MI Judge Orders Dem Sec of State To Release All Communications With Dominion, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Google

GP: The fight in Michigan to expose what really happened in the November 2020 election is far from over.

100 Percent Fed Up reports – The morning after the election, in a solidly red county in northern Michigan where Trump banners, flags, and yard signs can be found in almost every front yard, voters woke up to discover Joe Biden had walloped President Trump in the November 3rd general election. Upon further examination, it was discovered that 6,000 votes tabulated by Dominion Voting machines were flipped from Donald J. Trump to Joe Biden. The media called it a “glitch” and blamed it on human error—the American public was stunned and demanded that lawmakers look into this and other voter irregularities popping up in multiple critical swing states.

In addition to thousands of votes that were flipped from President Trump to Democrat candidate Joe Biden, Central Lake, MI (located in Antrim County) resident William Bailey was concerned about ballots that were re-run through the Dominion tabulator machine after a 262-262 tie on a vote a ballot initiative that would allow a marijuana establishment to be located within the Village of Central Lake.

While ballots were being inserted into the machine, 3 of them were destroyed and were not placed through the tabulator. At the conclusion of the recount by the tabulating machine and with three fewer votes, the result was 262-261, and the initiative passed. Of course, this result could only be possible after 3 of the ballots were destroyed. read more

14 Comments on MI Judge Orders Dem Sec of State To Release All Communications With Dominion, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and Google

  1. So many evil people, so many cowards. The grandest betrayal in U.S. history. The traitors can now live the rest of their lives knowing that when the country needed them, they let everyone down. Their family and friends will suffer from their lack of integrity.

  2. Sounds like Satan has won.

    The biggest liar/cheater is the winner.

    Whatever ‘safeguards’ were in place for the preservation of the ‘Republic’ has been removed and trashed AND SCOTUS couldn’t care less.

  3. Oh, sure no doubt the MI secretary of state has no intention of following some silly judges demands. There’s no one brave enough to touch a democrat with any connection to Washington politicians and MSM. Washington will send in the FBI to grab the records and vanish them. Better to play with a 1500 volt power line in the rain.

  4. A day late and a dollar short.

    What’s with these judges? There’s election fraud cases pending before SCOTUS right now. But they were too “busy”‘to take them up BEFORE the certification. Ya know, when it mattered!!!

    Yet another failed institution, the judiciary can’t be bothered to hold evidentiary hearings, where actual evidence of fraud could be presented.

    So no relief in the legislature, no relief in the FBI/DOJ, no relief in congress, and no relief in the courts. And they’re perplexed pissed off people loitered in Nancy’s office.

  5. 262 + 262 = 524 – 3 = 521

    How does the final tally come out as 523 if three ballots were destroyed before the second scan?

    Perhaps two “special” ballots were substituted to “correct” the result.

  6. I have asked numerous people what happens if Harris/ Biden are sworn in then a couple of weeks or months down the road the election theft proof is undeniably proven.
    I even texted Seb Gorka who claims to answer every text.
    No one has answered. So I guess it just goes in the history books and nothing else.

  7. Toothless orders to falsely convey that the justice system is calling balls and strikes.
    The judge is probably having the usual cocktails with the sec of state that evening and sharing a good laugh.


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