Mia Love skipping GOP convention – IOTW Report

Mia Love skipping GOP convention

FOX: Utah Rep. Mia Love, a rising star in the Republican Party, says she’s planning to skip next month’s Republican National Convention.

Love adds her name to other prominent Republicans — like former presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush and former GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney — who say they won’t attend the Cleveland convention where Donald Trump is expected to officially become the Republican presidential nominee.

“I don’t see any upside to it,” Love told The Salt Lake Tribune. “I don’t see how this benefits the state.”

The first-term congresswoman hasn’t said whether she’ll vote for Trump in November, but has strongly denied supporting Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee.

“Being thoughtful and taking my time and not blindly following is representing my district well,” Love said.  MORE

SNIP: Is there someone else besides Trump running for preezy on the Republican side that I missed?
No one is forcing you to ‘blindly follow’ or blindly vote for anyone, but these are the 2 people running for president and there are no others: Trump and Clinton. If Mia is waiting for her superhero to fly in and do whatever, she’s out of luck.

We already know about the treasonous activity of Clinton in public office. WE KNOW ALL ABOUT HER.  But we don’t really know how Trump would govern in public office. So wouldn’t it make sense, wouldn’t it be easier to guide Trump to where he needs to be rather than to fight Hillary the entire time she’s in office, knowing she wants to go further left than 0bama ever dreamed of?

Like it or not, Trump and Clinton are who the voting citizens in this country chose. They’re it. No one else.

Deal with it. I did.

Trump wasn’t MY first choice, but I am no way in hell giving Hillary a pass on anything just because Trump makes my nose crinkle sometimes. I will not trust Hillary to do the correct thing when it comes to the matters of  our nation because judging by what we’ve seen of her- I’m pretty sure she’s the devil.

23 Comments on Mia Love skipping GOP convention

  1. This is a reflection of Romney turning the LDS against Trump. Romney should grow a pair. He lost because he was an extremely weak candidate. Pretty chicken shit.

  2. Sh*t! We don’t need no stinkin pol with a stinkin recognizable name. Trump can win with our BFH or even Bad Brad as his running mate. Of course both of you will have to run under your sir names because BFH and Bad Brad are too recognizable.

  3. On another sour note: Hilly Clinton, Elizabeth Warren to visit Cincinnati Monday

    and that’s the actual headline: “Hilly”. And what is Fauxcohontas doing with her?

  4. PJ, The only position I’m interested in is homeland security. I’ll disarm all these damn federal agencies and pass out the weapons to the Citizen Militias, meet with them once a month and hire a MARSOC guy I know to supervise training them up. Don’t forget to write my name in. LOL

    MJA, Secratary of State. Why? Because she want travel. “hey bitch, you want to meet with me get your ass on a plane and fly to Las Vegas. And take a number”

  5. Damn right they’re coming to Vegas, and on their own dime. Let them check vegas.com for discounts. lol
    I just want to let NOKO and IRAN know ahead of time that I own property in the Mojave desert filled with holes. Heh.

  6. WHO is going to “fight Hillary” the whole time she’s in office? Don’t look at whatever is in Congress. They don’t have the gonads to fight Obama the Historic, they certainly won’t against Hillary.

  7. I agree with MJA. Trump sure wasn’t my first choice and in a lot of ways he makes me as nervous as hell however the alternative is Clinton and that should make every American who understands what your country was founded on, and for, scared to death. If enough so-called conservatives (GWB is such a disappointment as well as Mia Love) turn their backs on Trump it will not only mean Clinton as President but quite possible the loss of the Senate and the Congress. If that is the case the you can kiss goodbye the SCOTUS for the next 30 years and quite possibly the GOP forever. All it takes is a packed SCOTUS and an executive order to give citizenship to all those illegals who will then vote for the Dems forever negating the black voters should they ever wake up and see what’s being done to them. Hold your nose if you have to but get out and work for Trump and your candidates then get in the booth and vote for them. Up here in Canada we didn’t and now we face ruin as the boy king (Justin Trudeau) really begins to screw the country over.

  8. I guess this is good a time as any. Sundance at CTH wrote a really excellent article, “COLD ANGER – Entire Institutional Systems Will Be Dispatched Like a Feather In a Hurricane…”

    Though he was writing mainly about BREXIT and the similar mood against Establishment forces around the world, rising, a good deal of the piece was about how cold anger is inculcated in the general populace — aside from the obvious cause(s). In it he talks about the duly noted infringements and betrayals.

    “There’s a level of anger far deeper and more consequential than expressed rage or visible behavior, it’s called Cold Anger.”

    Unfortunately for Mia Love (who I believe was another questionable Tea Party actor), her arrogance and her public enmity will not go unnoticed nor uncatalogued. There is amassing quite a number of Establishment and Establishment-Wannabe names before which a small, sometimes indiscernible, check mark has been made. But there is no quarter and the notations are indelible.


    In some it is a failure of honesty and in some, of courage. In most, however, it is a failure of humility and intellect.

  9. Scr_North.
    As you probably know I’ve always been a big Trump guy. The main reason was trade and American jobs. Nationalism. I never expecteted to see what’s taking place in the U. K. The lines that are drawn are getting pretty dynamic. Why does the Right Poop and Red State support a contested convention? They are run by Globalists. Lock and load my freinds. Make no mistake, they are as bad as liberals.

  10. @ MJA, you have Sec. of State, but you will be also responsible for taking down all the agencies that have the unconstitutional ability to make law.

    Bad Brad, Yes. Homeland Security.

    Abigail Adams, That article and other Cold Anger articles give me the chills of anticipation. Good call to post the link. What post do you want.

    BFH, What post do you want – just in case you don’t want VP.

    Poop: That was supposed to be surnames not 🙂 sir names. Brain not engaged earlier in the day.

  11. PJ — I think this mood of mine would make me Lady High Executioner. Whoa! So medieval.

    I’d settle for U.S. Ambassador to Homer, AK, for the next four years. 😉

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