Miami mayor pushed for no-bid city contract benefiting his private employer’s partner – IOTW Report

Miami mayor pushed for no-bid city contract benefiting his private employer’s partner

Miami Herald: Miami Mayor Francis Suarez and his top aides spent months last year advocating for a no-bid city contract for a little-known software company that was simultaneously negotiating a partnership with a firm paying the mayor a $20,000-a-month salary.

The mayor’s advocacy on behalf of the software company, NZero — and the behind-closed-doors discussions involving its partnership with Suarez’s private employer, Redivider — were laid out in dozens of emails obtained by the Miami Herald. more

7 Comments on Miami mayor pushed for no-bid city contract benefiting his private employer’s partner

  1. Oh shit. Another Joe & Hunter Biden scandal.
    Drag ’em from their house. String ’em high. In public view.
    As Deputy Barney Fife sez, “Nip it in the bud!”

    At $20K/month, I’d only have to work 3 months to make annually what I’m working for now.

  2. So he’s declaring to have Miami Net Zero by 2050. That would mean closing MIA,AMTRAK, Port of Miami for freight exports, all pleasure craft marinas, have FPL supply all electrical power via solar and wind, shutting down all natural gas and propane appliances, ban the sale of wood, charcoal and coal for cooking, ban all gas / diesel aircraft fuel etc. dealers, ban the sale of BIC-style lighters, etc. What a pipe dream this is.


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