Miami University Professor Accuses Embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay of Plagiarizing Her Work – IOTW Report

Miami University Professor Accuses Embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay of Plagiarizing Her Work

GP- Miami University professor Anne Williamson accused embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay of plagiarizing her work.

On Monday, The Gateway Pundit reported that allegations have now emerged suggesting President Gay may have committed academic misconduct by plagiarizing her PhD thesis, potentially breaching Harvard’s academic code of ethics. Having made history as Harvard’s first black President in 2023, Gay’s academic credentials, including her bachelor’s degree from Stanford and her master’s and PhD from Harvard, have come under intense scrutiny. more

22 Comments on Miami University Professor Accuses Embattled Harvard President Claudine Gay of Plagiarizing Her Work

  1. Anne Williamson is white. So that will fall under the category of justified. You know, reparations and all that bull shit.
    Now the two guys are black. But, they are men so that might be justifiable too.

  2. C’mon man! What she was trying to say was that blacks peoples did more stuff when dey livin’ wit black peoples den wit white peoples.

    There done fixed it. Can I have my P.hd. fro Harvard now?

  3. Dismissing her would be an action born of “whiteness” and, therefore, Unjust. Harvard is atoning for historical grievances. She serves as a Pagan Totem that protects Harvard from the Phantoms of Racism.

    “See, we’re not racists, we’re pure.”

  4. @ Brad: She also plagiarized Carol Swain who is black and female. But, she is a Republican so that prolly is also ‘justified’. Although, she didn’t become a Republican until 2009 so maybe it is justified on an ex post facto basis?

  5. The only people worse than Claudine Gay are the progressives who put her into this position for which she is so obviously unqualified.

    These Harvard clowns are the same people who plucked Elizabeth Warren aka Liawatha from the Minorities book, took her bogus claims at face value, pretended not to notice those blue eyes and blond hair and got to brag that they had a Native American on the faculty. She, of course, was thrilled to play along and the minute she received tenure, removed her name from the minorities book and pretended that she did not get her job based on box checking.

    Black lesbian plagiarist lives matter!!!!!

  6. UmmmmmHmmmmm. Her flapping gums done got her in trouble. Apparently leftists don’t understand that they shouldn’t call attention to themselves. Attention leads to scrutiny and the majority of them have skeletons in their closets.

  7. When an organization of any kind go for style over substance and don’t even get style, they’re what you call hosed. Harvard and the rest of the ivies can run on their storied reputations and branding for only so long. They’re like trusted American companies which were sold to the Chinese and now exist as a logo. Junk with a logo.

  8. I can’t imagine the damage this does to intellectual honesty in this country.

    Harvard is undermining trust in all institutions of higher education by not immediately firing this person and stating in no uncertain terms their defense of proper citation of the work of others. I heard somewhere that now that she’s been caught claiming the work of others they are going to let her go back through her publications and make the proper citations.

    It’s an outrage to all honest academics. President Gay should be tossed from all professional academic associations and all her publications should be pulled. All that let her skate are creating an unfair system where the rules don’t apply to those upon high. Disgusting.

  9. She’s just another malignant piece of shit from the harvard affirmative action factory, like that other malignant piece of shit, obama. “Harvard” has really become a bad word. All it took was two n—gers.

  10. Would be outstanding to see one or more of Gay’s plagerism victims sue Gay for plagerism. How pathetic would the Harvard Corporation look if Gay’s plagerism was bad enough to lose in court but still passed Harvard’s standards?

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