Miami VA Hospital Cafeteria ‘Grimey,’ Infested with ‘Insects and Rodent Droppings’ – IOTW Report

Miami VA Hospital Cafeteria ‘Grimey,’ Infested with ‘Insects and Rodent Droppings’

Breitbart: A veterans hospital in Miami, Florida, was so filthy it required a deep clean and fumigation after the area failed an October safety and sanitation inspection.

The inspection report, obtained by the Miami Herald, found evidence of “grimy drawers and storage racks,” “unrefrigerated foods” and even “insects and rodent droppings.”

The report provided the cafeteria with a number of scores on their following of health and safety regulations, with the establishment scoring zero points on a number of key issues such as the sanitation of storage equipment, keeping walls, floors, and cooking equipment clean, as well as ensuring the employees were not at risk of falling over due to slippery floors.  read more

15 Comments on Miami VA Hospital Cafeteria ‘Grimey,’ Infested with ‘Insects and Rodent Droppings’

  1. This was the condition of the White House when Obama’s as well. One report said it took a little doing to get the Islamic compliant foot washes and toilets out and restore the conventional American stuff.
    Personally, I suspect the garden hose connected to the Moose’s bidet violated Code as well.

  2. Sorry guys but I’ve been treated by the VA Hospital in The Bronx, New York and Castle Point Veterans Hospital up State New York and they are top notch.
    The cafeterias are spotless and the medical care is
    superb. The doctors and nurses are just wonderful.
    It’s got to be a regional thing. In New York, as far a VA care goes, we are in good hands. That is my opinion, and I’m sticking with it.

  3. PHenry. Believe me they are top notch. The only problem in the Bronx VA cafeteria is that if you get coffee or tea, you can’t get any sugar until you cash out. The cashier will give you sugar.
    The reason for this, I found out, is the VA has drug programs daily and the patients steal all the sugar. I see them there and I have nothing but pity for them

  4. I’ve worked at four different va’s over my career. By and large the employees there are the laziest motherfukers I’ve ever ran into in my life. It’s only because of the federal government that they have a job at all. The joke amongst the other hospitals is that the most dangerous place in the city is closing time in front of the VA hospital cuz of all the cars that come rushing out of there at 4 p.m. everyday. Because don’t expect them to work one second more.

  5. Typical work you’d expect from the lowlife scum the government hires. They hire low energy pukes that are willing to do next to nothing while drawing a hefty paycheck and benefits.

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