Mich O recruited to run for Senate, Chicago mayor – IOTW Report

Mich O recruited to run for Senate, Chicago mayor

Washington Examiner: First lady Michelle Obama’s star status on the 2016 campaign trail is prompting top Democrats back home in Illinois to ready an effort to recruit her to run for the Senate or mayor of Chicago.

Should she run and win, Obama would join only Hillary Clinton in the rare class of former first ladies to swap out the “volunteer” public service job for an elected position.

The burgeoning effort comes despite Obama’s inclination to leave elective politics behind when her husband’s two terms are up in January, according to National Journal.

“There is no per­son in polit­ics that I think Demo­crats, in­de­pend­ents, and Re­pub­lic­ans would love to see take on pub­lic ser­vice more than the first lady,” Thomas Bowen, a former top aide to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, told NJ’s Karyn Bruggeman.


22 Comments on Mich O recruited to run for Senate, Chicago mayor

  1. Nope, DC Shadow Senator is where she’s headed in 2018. It’s a good patronage job with few responsibilities, and they Obamas are staying in DC anyway.

    She’d get eaten alive in Chicago, and the alignment of stars which got Barky elected Senator will not occur for her. I don’t care what her name is.

  2. “Ob­vi­ously she’d be qual­i­fied to run for just about any of­fice up and down the tick­et”
    Qualified just like any other Democrat. Her school lunch plan continues to be a disaster, no dent in childhood obesity, she is the ugliest, least fashionable person to come along and she has fleeced the tax payers for 8 years. We’ve even paid for her Mother to live at the White House. Enough already. Frankly this just demonstrates how few democrats they have on the bench that can even present well if Moochelle is the great up and comer.

    If HRC wins she can repay the Obamas and make Michelle Sec of State.

  3. “Public service”–as in sucking at the public teat for the rest of her life, multitudinous taxpayer paid luxury vacations, etc. I wouldn’t mind “serving” like that.

  4. The difference between Killary and Moochelle is that Killary was willing to put in the effort to become president. Moochelle just wants to live in luxury, maybe be in the limelight occasionally. Maybe give a few $250,000 speeches, about how wonderful and insightful she is of course.

  5. “There is no per­son in polit­ics that I think Demo­crats, in­de­pend­ents, and Re­pub­lic­ans would love to see take on pub­lic ser­vice more than the First Lady.”

    Put. The. Bong. Down.

  6. “Should she run and win, Obama would join only Hillary Clinton in the rare class of former first ladies to swap out the “volunteer” public service job for an elected position.”
    Look where that got us.

  7. A fine example for black kids. “You too can slip n slouch through school. You too can claim Affirmative Action to get into college. You too can write advanced degree papers at the 4th grade level and get an A. Look, Mooch did it. So can you!” Ya just gotta be a hateful fat ass black bitch with no class and the right connections.

  8. Everyone on this site ought to send an email of support for her to run for Mayor of Chicago. The job has just about destroyed Rahm and it would be even worse for Mooch being black and a woman. Those two shields would hold out the Chicago crap longer then Rahm’s but when it got through it would destroy her and probably Obama’s. Then again, Obama would be spending all his time in the Man’s Country, er spa so he wouldn’t care.

  9. Being mayor or governor takes work and is not prestigious or expedient enough for an ingrate like Mooch. She wants to be president, so a Senate seat is what she’ll aim for like Hellary.
    Besides, Sasquatch aren’t known for hard work except when foraging for food. Obviously, Mooch doesn’t have to do that anymore.

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