Mich Obama Reveals Barack Wore Same Tux For 8 Years & Nobody Realized – IOTW Report

Mich Obama Reveals Barack Wore Same Tux For 8 Years & Nobody Realized


While speaking at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference on Tuesday (June 6), Michelle admitted that Barack wore the exact some black tuxedo for all eight years of his presidency and no one had any idea! “That’s the unfair thing,” Michelle said to the crowd. “No matter what we do, he puts on that same tux.”

She continued speaking about the media only paying attention to her outfits.


31 Comments on Mich Obama Reveals Barack Wore Same Tux For 8 Years & Nobody Realized

  1. “That’s the unfair thing,” Michelle said to the crowd. “No matter what we do, he puts on that same tux.”

    What’s unfair is that Mooch couldn’t have done the same if she’d wanted to due to, er, size upgrades.

  2. I’m certain Michelle’s speech filled with BS tidbits about their wardrobe was beneficial to Apple developers.

    Graft and corruption is easily received when they leave the Whitehouse, isn’t that right Hillary and Bill?

    Inquiring minds want to know how much she was paid for this waste of time and how much did the travel and Secret Service detail cost the taxpayers.

  3. Was that a hint for someone to give them clothes because they can’t afford it?

    From the fashion maven that is the ex-first tranny wife in chief who screams “look at me – I got away with it!!”

  4. It would have been a hellova LOT cheaper for the country if he’d have gotten a new one every time he needed one than to spend 90 Million dollars on vacations!!

  5. So she claims.

    Beltway tip: People like Obama make a point of entitlement pride in throwing away clothing items after one use.
    They’ll even brag about it, privately.
    Unlimited wardrobe allowance. Unlimited staffers. Not their money.

    It flatters their self image as Royalty.

  6. The payback circuit has begun in earnest. I’ll bet she got paid lottsa dough for some rambling talk with this and other little tidbits that hopefully only made half the programmers tingle. Between advances (hell, it’s not really an advance as Obama has never had to pay back an advance even when he didn’t deliver a book) they’ll receive for books that will never actually be read and the fees for speeches this carpetbagger family will end up on easy street. One can always hope though that Trump after going through all this crap for the last six months will finally sit down sith Sessions work out any differences they have then leave it to him to decide what to investigate. You know we may find (however improbable) that Obama may have been the worst President in history, encouraged racism (black on white), wasted trillions in taxpayer money, gutted the courts, damaged the rule of law, encouraged terrorism and many other things but none of it rises to a chargeable offense. It would still be nice to finally bring all his nasty work together in a public report though.

  7. First thought: I call BS because for eight years we saw how much money both of those clowns found it very easy to drop. Plus I’m pretty certain he is aware that normal people admire someone who can be frugal, so I’m betting he is just trying to curry favor with the masses.

    Also: “It’s OK, Barack. Along with Michelle, you still always looked goooddd”? What? Go get your eyes examined, Thorpe.

  8. if this was the truth – which I doubt because all Leftists LIE – then I wish he’d been as thrifty with our nation’s taxpayer money as he was with that alleged dinner jacket

  9. Why would anyone pay anything to hear what Michelle Obama has to say? What she can possibly have to say? To me those “speeches” are really a way to laundry money. They’ll be like the Clintons. They’ll be lingering forever.

  10. Of course you could tell Barri wore the same unlaundered tux for eight years.
    You can tell by the faces of everyone he passed by who had to smell Preznit Buttcrack.

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