Michael Avenatti Bars Media from His Own Testimony in Bankruptcy Court – IOTW Report

Michael Avenatti Bars Media from His Own Testimony in Bankruptcy Court

Breitbart CA: Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for porn star Stormy Daniels who has become a constant critic of President Donald Trump on cable news, barred the media from his testimony in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Santa Ana, California, on Wednesday, citing attempts to “embarrass” him.

Avenatti, who settled with the Internal Revenue Service for $800,000 in unpaid payroll taxes, also asked Judge Catherine E. Bauer to seal the transcript of the court proceeding. Bauer granted his request to bar the media from the proceeding, but has not yet ruled on the motion to seal the transcript.

Avenatti told CNN: “I’m all for freedom of the press and open access. But everything has its limits. My personal financial dealings and that of an old law firm are of no relevance and, you know, were not going to be leveraged by other people who are trying to get famous and take advantage of the situation.”

Ironically, Avenatti has been on a crusade to expose what he says are the personal financial dealings between President Donald Trump and his client, as well as the privileged conversations between Trump and his former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

As the Los Angeles Times noted, Avenatti’s Newport Beach-based law firm, Eagan Avenatti, had “defaulted on millions of dollars in debt and fallen years behind in paying its payroll taxes.” He was subpoenaed to testify by a former employee, Jason Frank, who won a $10 million judgment against the firm that remains unpaid.  more here

5 Comments on Michael Avenatti Bars Media from His Own Testimony in Bankruptcy Court

  1. “I’m all for freedom of the press and open access. But everything has its limits. My personal financial dealings and that of an old law firm are of no relevance and, you know, were not going to be leveraged by other people who are trying to get famous and take advantage of the situation.”

    Whoa! What??? Hahaha! Can’t make this stuff up!!

  2. Every now and then someone emerges whose arrogance, self-importance and lust for attention are limitless. But Avenatti takes the cake. He’s so over-the-top, he’s cartoonish. Like a badly-written character from a Farrelly Brothers movie.


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