Michael Caputo Explains How Clinton-Mueller Legal Attack Dogs Used the FISA Title-One Surveillance Warrant – IOTW Report

Michael Caputo Explains How Clinton-Mueller Legal Attack Dogs Used the FISA Title-One Surveillance Warrant

CTH: Michael Caputo appears on Fox News for a general discussion of his third experience being grilled by Hillary Clinton’s Legal Team within the Clinton-Mueller Special Counsel.

However, one of the interesting bits of information is where Mr. Caputo notes the Clinton-Mueller team have the personal emails, phone call logs, communications and even text messages of every targeted member of the investigation. This little factoid is jaw-dropping important because it highlights the underlying reason why Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein needed to grant a July 2017 extension of the Title-1 FISA surveillance warrant (initiated against Carter Page); that was actually being utilized by the FBI to conduct political surveillance of these same Trump officials.

Without the July 2017 FISA extension, Robert Mueller would not have predicate investigative authority to reach into the accounts of his targets and extract their personal communication.  Mueller would have needed to go to court for a search warrant; he is conducting a criminal investigation; he would have needed probable cause.  However, by applying the 2016 extended FISA Title-1 warrant, the Clinton-Mueller special counsel used the previous legal authority to extract all the information they wanted to review.

Things are making much more sense nowMORE

4 Comments on Michael Caputo Explains How Clinton-Mueller Legal Attack Dogs Used the FISA Title-One Surveillance Warrant

  1. MSNBC explained this morning how the economy is really humming and 2020 will be dire for dems. It took about 20 seconds. They then spent the next 2 hours planning, plotting and scheming all the obstructions, pitfalls and traps they can and will build and set to destroy America first.
    NBC hosts are actually rooting for economic harm to our Country.

    Shameful NBC.

  2. A couple of questions:

    Doesnt this FISA warrant expire every 90 days?

    If so, has Rodentstein been keeping it current, or did they cut bait and run after last July?

  3. Things are making much more sense now.

    No. The snow is finally gone. The birds are returning. And all the lampposts are still bare. “Things” make no sanse, at all.


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