Michael Cohen admits to stealing from Trump Org – IOTW Report

Michael Cohen admits to stealing from Trump Org

FOX: Former lawyer Michael Cohen admitted to stealing thousands of dollars from the Trump organization during former President Trump’s New York City trial on Monday.

Cohen made the admission while facing cross examination from Todd Blanche, one of Trump’s attorneys.

“You did steal from the Trump Organization based upon the expected reimbursement from Red Finch,” Trump attorney Todd Blanche said, referencing the repayment plan in which he was supposed to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000, and tech company Red Finch $50,000. “Yes, sir,” Cohen replied.

Cohen testified that he went to the bank and withdrew cash over a couple of days, totaling $20,000, and kept it in a small brown paper bag and then gave it to Red Finch, but that he never gave the full $50,000 when the company failed to press him for the rest.

He testified that the Trump Organization thought he paid the full amount, for which he was still reimbursed despite not having actually paid it. MORE

14 Comments on Michael Cohen admits to stealing from Trump Org

  1. He’s a hell of a witness for the prosecution! This case should go down in history as the worst miscarriage of justice ever! And what’s amazing is that Trump will likely win both New York and New Jersey as a result.

  2. “This case should go down in history as the worst miscarriage of justice ever!”

    Because President Trump will be found guilty by the hand-picked “jury of his peers”.

    Sorry, but I believe the rule-of-law is dead, as is the constitution.

  3. @Odin 2013 MONDAY, 20 MAY 2024, 13:30 AT 1:30 PM
    At least I had the privilege of growing up in a free society.
    I thank God for what we had.

  4. Only in a delusion wetdream . Oh please common knowledge his old boss stiffed everyone he could, that’s his business model, checks in the mail, we stiffem, get moe work outta of em, checks in the mail. then stiffem some more. Not only his business model now the MAGA business model to Americans.

  5. And Godbless you. Me have little faith. It feels oh so good to have someone come out & state the obvious
    Just remember his choice of only the best lawyers was his call, for “his” lawyers picked the jury, MORON.

  6. Agree reluctantly. Trump does seem to have trouble picking good help. At the end of the day, this crook was his lawyer. I sure hope Trump does MUCH better this time around. We will see with his VEEP pick.

  7. joe6pak
    “This case should go down in history as the worst miscarriage of justice ever!”

    I find myself wondering what kind of security that city has put in place when the jury comes back with a guilty verdict. Apparently they can’t field all of the 911 calls. So I imagine Biden has authorized the feds to step in. I for one hope so. Let’s settle this.

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