Michael Cohen Could Have Committed Bank Fraud For Over $20 Million – IOTW Report

Michael Cohen Could Have Committed Bank Fraud For Over $20 Million

DC: Authorities are investigating whether President Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen committed fraud with regard to over $20 million in loans received by his taxi businesses.

The Cohen investigation is also tackling whether the ex-Trump lawyer infringed upon campaign finance laws by participating in the payoff of women alleging affairs with the president in exchange for their silence, The New York Times reported Sunday. Cohen worked for the Trump Organization for more than 10 years and prosecutors may file charges before September.

The $20 million-plus in loans allegedly derived from the Melrose Credit Union and Sterling National Bank, according to records reviewed and individuals interviewed by The New York Times. A Sterling spokesman declined comment and a Melrose spokesman did not respond to a request for comment from the Times. Investigators are exploring whether Cohen misreported his assets to receive the loans and whether or not he reported it to the Internal Revenue Service.

The banks do not appear to have suffered losses because of Cohen’s activities, but the potential bank fraud could still be relevant if the perpetrator has committed other crimes.  more here

8 Comments on Michael Cohen Could Have Committed Bank Fraud For Over $20 Million

  1. It should go without saying that if you are a lawyer in America, its a good chance you’re a crook But trying to try to connect a crime committed by a crooked lawyer to every one of his clients is quite the stretch – even for an overzealous partisan hack like Mueller.

  2. “Show me the man; I’ll show you the crime.”
    (Lavrenty Beria, Stalin’s “Himmler” (according to Stalin))

    Herr Muellar learned from the best.

    Throw the net wide enough, you’ll catch something.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. This is the part where Monkey Brain Meuller and his gang are desperately looking for anyone to “compose” a story of wrongdoing by POTUS Trump, and it’s so dang obvious!

    This is state-sanctioned extortion. What is the recourse against Meuller? There must be something to stop this travesty of justice.

  4. “This is state-sanctioned extortion. What is the recourse against Meuller? There must be something to stop this travesty of justice.”

    A rope and a lamp post. I think that’s about it.


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