Michael Cohen will hold a press conference Monday – IOTW Report

Michael Cohen will hold a press conference Monday

US President Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen says he will hold a press conference before he enters prison on Monday.  


What for?

16 Comments on Michael Cohen will hold a press conference Monday

  1. A last ditch effort to get to Trump, blame Trump, and to garner sympathy from the public. He’s not the rtype to take his medicine without a fight.

  2. The left hopes he has something, anything they can bad mouth/hammer the POTUS with. If not they’ll be happy with the MSM attention and just make something nasty up to use. Notice that its not on a late Friday afternoon.

  3. He’s going to whine about “if something happens to me in prison, you’ll know who’s to blame” or some such crap.
    Look Slow Gilligan, you’re a snitch lawyer who tapes his clients. What you got coming you earned by yourself.

  4. I am stunned that Cohen thinks anything that was done was a crime. He pled guilty to a crime that was not committed by anyone.

    He threw his career on a pile of dog shit and lit it on fire. A lawyer who records his client conversations in anticipation of capitalizing on it one day.

    Lawyers have terrible reputations because of the Michael Cohens of the world.

  5. He will say something like: “It is Donald Trump who should be going to prison today rather than me. Donald Trump ordered me to lie about his conspiring with Russians to steal the election from Hillary Clinton.”

    Press conferences are done under oath, right?

  6. Except he’s not even saying that. He is stuck on a payment to a whore to shut her whore mouth. Which is not illegal.

    And, if it were, the illegality would be on the extortion and blackmail for silence by aforementioned whore.

  7. @Cliche Guevara (at 11:20 am) – You’re right about the terrible reputations. As Steven Wright once said:

    “99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.”


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