Michael Flynn sentencing hearing delayed. Again – IOTW Report

Michael Flynn sentencing hearing delayed. Again

WaEx: Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has again delayed former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn’s sentencing hearing, a signal that Flynn is still cooperating with the ongoing Russia probe.

According to a court filing from Tuesday, the special counsel’s office claims that “due to the status” of the probe, it does not “believe that this matter is ready to be scheduled for a sentencing hearing at this time.” The next update is slated for no later than Sept. 17.

Flynn pleaded guilty in federal court in December for lying to the FBI in January 2017 about his contacts with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Flynn was charged on one count of “willfully and knowingly” making “false, fictitious and fraudulent statements” to the FBI about communications exchanged with a Russian envoy.  more here


9 Comments on Michael Flynn sentencing hearing delayed. Again

  1. Mueller is dragging this out because every day, they keep uncovering the FBI and Hillary’s involvement. You can’t make that Russian Oligarch Oleg guy come and testify to anything because it all leads back to 0bama, Lynch, Hillary and the FBI. And how is he going to get them to testify? He’s NOT.

    BTW, could someone fax Mueller a copy of the 6th amendment? I don’t think he knows about that ‘right to a speedy trial’, thing.

  2. It would sure make me happy to see our side making some arrests for the wrongdoing of the libs. Let’s see, we have the Awan’s, Seth Rich and the DNC, Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, Hilary’s emails, FBI and DOJ corruption, there is so much to choose from. What is the holdup? What is it going to take for our side to pull the fucking trigger?!?!

  3. As the great Mayor of NYC, E
    d Koch, used to say, “nobody asked me but,” the way I see it is that General Michael Kelly let it be known that CIA Director John Brennan was a “politically correct jackass.”
    This is obviously true if you youtube “John Brennan speaks on national security at NYU.”
    Then Brennan went after Kelly and destroyed him. He sicked the FBI on Kelly.
    Now this is my take on how it went. I am using unnamed sources, and unnamed locations because of national security reasons.
    Sometime in 2016 General Kelly attended a party somewhere in Europe. There he chatted with people of his rank, Russians, Brits, Frenchies, Italians, Germans, the whole ball of wax.
    The FBI, according to my source, concentrated on that party.
    FBI: General Flynn did you attend that party?
    Gen. Flynn: Yes indeed, I did.
    FBI: Did you discuss Americans on Russia at that party?
    Gen. Flynn: No, I did not.
    FBI. Did you drive yourself to that party?
    Gen.Flynn. Yes I did,I gave my driver the night off because it was Christmas Eve and I wanted him to be with his family.
    FBI: What color was the car you drove?
    Gen.Flynn. Red
    Two weeks later the FBI called General Flynn back.
    FBI: General Flynn, you said that the color of the car you drove to that party, was red. That’s a lie. According to the owners manual of that car, the color is crimson. You lied. We are charging you with perjury.
    Gen.Flynn. I plead guilty.
    What a great country we have. Makes me cry.


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