Michael Moore stumbles upon the truth about so-called ‘green’ energy – IOTW Report

Michael Moore stumbles upon the truth about so-called ‘green’ energy

American Thinker: Michael Moore is worried about Earth, although he’s not focused on fossil fuel and cow farts.  Instead, he’s worried because he just discovered that green energy is a scam.  That’s the point in his new documentary, Planet of the Humans, which was released Tuesday for free on YouTube.  In a long and poorly written introduction on the YouTube page, the people who made the video explain that the green revolution could have worked out if only the whole movement hadn’t sold itself out to the rich and powerful, resulting in a sham and a scam. read more

20 Comments on Michael Moore stumbles upon the truth about so-called ‘green’ energy

  1. SHAM & SCAM is what I get out of the article…
    Solar,wind and friggin’ batteries ain’t ready yet
    and may never be ready.GAS,OIL,COAL & NUKE is
    the best we got today.Every solar panel today
    will wear the heck out in 25 years or less and
    it will be in the land fill.There is a limited
    supply in the ground of the toxic chemicals needed
    to produce solar panels and their battery systems.
    Can we export Moore to China ???

  2. “I assumed solar panels would last for ever. I didn’t know what went into the making of them,”

    That’s because you were simply ignoring the people warning about this and trying to suppress their voice to the public at the same time.

    Don’t use ignorance as an excuse when you deliberately made yourself be that way.

  3. Moore and his ilk are still evil. Instead of focusing on “renewables,” there is a shift to population control – limiting and reducing the number of people on this earth. Presumably, Moore is part of the group who gets to decide who is worthy to inhabit this planet. Their attitude is “the less of you, the more for me.”

    P.J. O’Rourke wrote a piece on overpopulation several years ago. What stuck with me is that in discussing Malthus’ book on overpopulation, O’Rourke suggested that whenever overpopulation advocates claim there are “too many people,” you should substitute the phrase “too many brown people.” This is a progressive’s true sentiment.

  4. Oh, this is too rich coming from someone who counts as 2.5, maybe 3.0, people! Now there’s a novel idea, assign consumption units to individuals as a means of allocating their “fair share.” Moore is just that oblivious to his own rate of consumption — so much that he doesn’t recognize his membership in the group who profited off of AGW!? I’m shocked! Is this latest revelation of his some kind of twisted penance he must pay to maintain his membership in the AOC Club?

  5. @dirtball
    Manbearpig started all this shit, made Millions.

    “capitalism is the best way to clean the planet”
    DUH, we can see what Socialism has produced, Rich Democrats.

  6. So now he thinks that people are the problem? You’re right, Mike. So set the example for the other dim bulbs by removing yourself permanently. Make it a new moevement!

  7. I grew up in the San Fernando valley in the 50’s and 60’s. There were quite a few TV and Movie star’s homes near by, and I went to school with some of their kids. The homes these “rich and famous” lived in at the time, would not impress anyone today. Most were single story ranch-style of maybe 2,500-3,000 square feet. My point is, that typical middle class families are much better off than the rich and famous were 60 years ago, and the rich and famous today are far, far better off. if Michael Moore is opposed to conspicuous consumption, maybe he should start criticizing his fellow hollywood types, and liberal politicians, who are the biggest offenders (see: Gore, Al).


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