Michael Morell’s CIA Letter  – IOTW Report

Michael Morell’s CIA Letter 

A look back a the career of Michael Morell and his work with the CIA and a News commentator through The Bush, Obama and Trump presidencies. And his role in Biden presidency.

6 Comments on Michael Morell’s CIA Letter 

  1. I’ve been spending the better part of the day on podcasts from people I trust; Megyn Kelly, Glenn Greenwald, Dan Bongino, and Kim Iverson, all talking about the Tucker firing, and it became clear real fast that my ability to stay on top of my government and stay informed on the issues has been severely compromised. Spending an hour with Tucker every night, gave me exposure to stories the MSM won’t cover, from an honest broker whose opinion I valued. That is now gone and the alternative, spending 4-5 hours a day on different podcasts is untenable.

    But the other alternative, to withdraw and cede the narrative to the bad guys, is equally untenable and distasteful.

    fortunately, there are still powerful voices out there with a megaphone and a zeal for the truth. It is just going to cost more time and effort on my part. But the country is worth it, so fuck it.

  2. Snake in the grass, at all times to cover his ass.
    He may well be among the brightest, he’s not the best of the best to be entrusted in Government, especially not the CIA.

    The Politically appointed leadership in the CIA, DOJ, FBI and DHS have not been, are not now, to be Trusted to perform their Constitutional duties and responsibilities.
    They have been corrupted and weaponized to espouse, control and implement political narratives and policies outside their realm of their Constitutional duties, responsibilities and Oath of Office.

    In consideration of the Argument that an impeachable offense is any misbehavior that shows disqualification to hold and exercise the office, whether moral, intellectual or physical, Impeachment is a clear remedy.
    Although The mentioned Agency Secretaries may be guilty as charged, the reality in our present day Senate, a 2/3 vote to impeach any of the parties, regardless of their political activities, failure to follow the Law, failure to perform their Duties and fulfill their Responsibilities, is an impossibility.

  3. I was concerned without my avatar that the CIA / FBI may think Anonymous or other regular commenter should be corralled and interviewed about my objection of Politically Appointed Hacks as Secretaries of Federal Agencies.

  4. @ cato,
    “The Politically appointed leadership in the CIA, DOJ, FBI and DHS have not been, are not now, to be Trusted to perform their Constitutional duties and responsibilities.”…….
    I need to revisit my Constitution.
    FJB/CIA,DOJ,FIB,DHS…. Defund them plus the pharging atf….


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