Michael Savage Backs Trump on San Francisco: ‘Junkies Shoot Up in Front of Children’ – IOTW Report

Michael Savage Backs Trump on San Francisco: ‘Junkies Shoot Up in Front of Children’


Talk radio legend and New York Times bestselling author Michael Savage is once again sounding the alarm on the deterioration of San Francisco, California, in the wake of President Donald Trump criticizing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) over the conditions in her “failing” district.

On Sunday, President Trump shifted his fierce critiques from Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) over Baltimore to Pelosi, warning San Francisco will soon decline beyond repair unless immediate action is taken. “Speaking of failing badly, has anyone seen what is happening to Nancy Pelosi’s district in San Francisco.” the president wrote on Twitter Sunday. “It is not even recognizable lately. Something must be done before it is too late.”

In a statement to Breitbart News, Savage, a longtime resident of the Bay area, joined President Trump in eviscerating California’s Democrat leadership by highlighting San Francisco’s worsening crime and crumbling infrastructure:

Where has all the Federal and State highway funding gone? The streets are worse than some African nations! Even the roadway going on to the iconic Golden gate bridge is a disgrace! The streets are littered, bums rule the sidewalks. Junkies shoot up in front of children. People are afraid to go out at night. Assaults by bums are swept under the radar by the non-newspaper. Over 30,000 cars are broken into each year! Police do nothing because the psycho-lib ‘judges’  dismiss those few cases that are prosecuted. Need I mention the well-known epidemic of human feces on the sidewalks? Have you ever eaten dinner and seen a filthy human being drop his pants and crap outside the restaurant as you are attempting to eat? Where are Pelosi, Feinstein and the other oh-so compassionate rulers?

The conservative media star’s condemnation of Pelosi comes as Democrats are expressing outrage over President Trump spotlighting the worsening state of long-run Democrat cities. On Saturday, the president blasted Cummings for shouting at Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan during a recent congressional hearing and said Baltimore, the Maryland Democrat’s district, has “far worse” conditions than immigration detention centers at the U.S.-Mexico border.

7 Comments on Michael Savage Backs Trump on San Francisco: ‘Junkies Shoot Up in Front of Children’

  1. all he did is point out the truth. He’s got them on the run and he’s running after them to finish them off.

    Like Wyatt Earp finishing off the Clanton gang.

    Hey, that’d make a great meme!

  2. I just cant get that picture out of my mind. Riding after them both guns blazing, shotguns, bad guys looking over their shoulders, panicing….. I love that President.

  3. Just think folks, the more these Democrat cities are allowed to deteriorate into third world type shit holes of the first order the more we will have to pony up to clean them up!


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