Michele Bachmann Calls on a Worthy GOP Member to Stand Up and Announce Run for GOP Leader – IOTW Report

Michele Bachmann Calls on a Worthy GOP Member to Stand Up and Announce Run for GOP Leader


[…During their discussion] Michele Bachmann urged Republican leaders and lawmakers to make a stand NOW as a leader of the Republican Caucus in Congress. We have seen the results of what weak leadership like Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy have done to this country. We now have the destruction of America taking place before our eyes.

The GOP must have new blood. The GOP must have courageous leadership. The country is in crisis. We can no longer look the other way and pretend this is not happening. more here

14 Comments on Michele Bachmann Calls on a Worthy GOP Member to Stand Up and Announce Run for GOP Leader

  1. Bachmann latched on to the Tea Party as an opportunist and weakened it , turned taxed enough already into a quasi evangelical movement . I like my politics without a scoop of religion. I don’t care for her . She has been quiet for years , wonder what’s up? She reminds me of a female Jeb Bush .

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