Michelle 0bama to be inducted into the WOMEN’S hall of fame? – IOTW Report

Michelle 0bama to be inducted into the WOMEN’S hall of fame?


For as long as I’ve been writing on politics and culture, I’ve done at least 4 pieces a year where I question the female status of former first lady Michelle Obama. The 2021 first quarter report comes courtesy of the announcement that Michelle will be inducted into the Woman’s Hall of Fame. Was there a chromosome test like the Olympics used to do on the East German “women” athletes or are they going on the expanded definition of gender so prevalent these days?

The National Women’s Hall of Fame announced the 2021 class of inductees, which includes Michelle Obama and a bunch of people nobody has ever heard of. I checked, there ain’t a looker in the bunch. more here

34 Comments on Michelle 0bama to be inducted into the WOMEN’S hall of fame?

  1. well…..in many ways he deserves it……Mike and Barry started the demise of this great Republic and pissed (standing up) on everything we value……guess the Commie hall of shame was filled?

  2. Another participation trophy.

    Guess we can’t really expect anything other than that from a … well … y’know … Demonrat who’s never done an honest day of work in its entire life.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. It gets worse. Apparently they’re going to make a movie about how she triumphed over decades of affirmative action, white liberal virtue signaling, and bogus victimology to become the First black FLOTUS

    Theyre going to call the movie, “The Color Usurple.”

  4. There’s a such thing as a Women’s Hall of Fame? If there is, I assure you that Mooch does not belong there. Perhaps a new place could be constructed. The Grifter & Trans Hall of Fame would suffice.


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