Michelle Malkin: Beware the ‘Paper Shortage’ Election Ruse – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin: Beware the ‘Paper Shortage’ Election Ruse

Michelle Malkin:

“A paper shortage is looming over the 2022 elections. Seriously,” Politico warned in late March.

“Worldwide paper shortage causing concerns for balloting ahead of midterm elections,” Detroit station WDIV trumpeted.

“Midterm mess: States grapple with poll worker and paper shortages,” CNN intoned.

The American Forest and Paper Association has tried to un-fan the media-generated flames of fear.

“There is no reason to panic,” the association’s Terry Webber assured Americans, as long as election officials plan ahead.

Article here

16 Comments on Michelle Malkin: Beware the ‘Paper Shortage’ Election Ruse

  1. It’s always the goddam paper with their scams. Confusing ballots and hanging chads in 2000, toilet paper and hanging dingleberries in 2020, and now this. It’s PAPER, fercryinoutloud. One of the few things we still manufacture here out of our own freaking trees. Just STOP, journos.

    And for f—k’s sake, quit using the word “grapple” all the time. It sounds gay.

  2. I don’t see paper as a problem as this been foreseen by the powers that be.
    They can’t enforce another lockdown and be successful at mandating mail in ballots and drop boxes without paper.

  3. Different Tim
    APRIL 7, 2022 AT 10:33 AM
    “I don’t see paper as a problem as this been foreseen by the powers that be.
    They can’t enforce another lockdown and be successful at mandating mail in ballots and drop boxes without paper.”

    …it’s an excuse to go online absentee ballot.

    And not have any hard copy at the polls.

    Followed by “mOsT sECuRe ElEcTiOnS eVeR”.

    That just happen to be a Democrat landslide in every race.

    Imagine that.

  4. “…States grapple with poll worker and paper shortages,”

    It’s going to be a long election night, what with fewer poll workers having fewer ballots to run through the machines. They may drop from exhaustion running those ballot through so many more times than in 2020. Or the machines may seize up from overuse. Dominion may have to really tweak their algorithms.

  5. I’m old enough to remember everyone had their panties in a twist over paper towel and asswipe hoarding. Especially on mainstream sites where the complaint was inner city folk don’t have the option or funds to shop around when their go-to store is sold out. My point of view was always just f’n relax, it’s going to go away quickly, and man was I berated for holding such an opinion. Oh no, the goofs that didn’t have more than a day worth of paper on hand are going to suffer for a week or two and get creative with the garden hose, or step into the shower after a dump, big deal. Of course, I was right, it blew over real fast and no one apologized for flinging playground insults at me.

    It blew over real fast because the majority of paper goods in this country are produced IN THIS COUNTRY. I knew this, rational people knew this, the people that panicked, the majority, thought it was the end of the world. It was impossible for them to see clearly and it deserved ALL the outrage. When the shortage and hoarding settled down, they learned nothing, it was onto the next big outrage.

    So it doesn’t matter how much paper there is in this country. When Nancy says PANIC, the masses comply. When they are told there’s a ballot shortage no one will disbelieve it. Don’t expect the GOP to secure any paper to prove them wrong either. No one’s coming to help. Homeless will be dumpster diving used Post-It notes and selling them for $5 each before this is over with. And when it’s proved there never was a shortage, a year later, no one will apologize or question what happened. They’re too busy with a new outrage.


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