Michelle Malkin: Bush Legacy ‘Impoverishes the American Worker’ and ‘Grows the Deep State’ – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin: Bush Legacy ‘Impoverishes the American Worker’ and ‘Grows the Deep State’

Breitbart Radio:

Michelle Malkin described former President George H. W. Bush’s legacy as an impoverishment of American workers and growing of the “deep state,” offering her remarks in a Monday interview with Breitbart Senior Editors-at-Large Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight.

Mansour said, “It seems as if the media is already using [George H.W. Bush’s] passing as a means to bash President Trump, just as they did with the funeral of John McCain. … What lessons do you think Trump could learn from Bush 41?”

Malkin replied, “There are not many I can think of that I might frame in a positive way, and I absolutely agree with you that we’ve seen from the senility mongers of the left the usual vulgar [and] vile behavior. Is there a dead Republican body that the Democrats and the left won’t use to go after Trump? I don’t think so.”

Malkin continued, “The lesson of the Bush regime and the Bush dynasty is something that impoverishes the American worker. It grows the deep state at the expense of small businesses and liberty, and even though the grocery scanner story turned out to be fake news, as Dan Rather once said in defense of his fake news, ‘It was fake but accurate.’”

Malkin added, “The elitism of the Bush wing of the [Republican] party is what Trump defeated, and I think [Donald Trump] has to remember that’s why he’s in the office — because of the adamant rejection of that attitude and those policies. I’m distressed that once again, we have these open borders amnesty Bush Republican Party-type business as usual tactics in dealing with the border wall funding. They’re going to wait ’til the Friday before Christmas? This is disgraceful.” more

19 Comments on Michelle Malkin: Bush Legacy ‘Impoverishes the American Worker’ and ‘Grows the Deep State’

  1. Washington elites have the average working American by the short hairs. They have lined their pockets with wasted tax dollars and behind the scenes closed door money deals. They talk aimlessly of phony efforts to help the middle class while actually accomplishing little to nothing other than spending more and more on someone else. Hopeful voters bob and weave as they elect looser after looser who talked a good talk during their campaign only to seeming lose their way once in office. Going down the same road over and over isn’t the way out.

  2. The grocery store scanner although fake was an example of the complete detachment those in Washington have with the general public. If they weren’t born that way {like Bush} they quickly develop it not long after arriving in the capital.
    They’ll never pass term limits but it is badly needed.

  3. “Earlier on Monday, Malkin announced her departure from CRTV, headed by Mark Levin, following the news media outlet’s declared forthcoming merger with Glenn Beck’s The Blaze.”

    I didn’t think I could love MM more than I already do!

  4. In ’92 a few liberals at Buckley’s NRO thought they’d take a shot at Ronnie for not supporting Bush. A conservative (26 years ago maybe half the regulars at NRO were conservative, not like today with almost all being progressive/liberal except VDH) , I think it was the man from NoCal -VDH- said ,”Ronnie loves America Bush hates it. Look up “Kinder Gentler” 1989 on Compuserve to see an American President blame America for all the world’s problems.”.

    The progressive Ron haters at NRO all crawled into holes! The conservative had destroyed ‘em!

    The Bush Clan all say they are GOP (they also all told us to vote Clinton 2.5 years ago. Which ABC,CBS + NBC noted this morning in their funeral coverage!). but they are not conservative! They are all “tax+spend” lefties. The 2 Presidents growing the government the fastest – in either relative terms, or absolute $ – were named George!

  5. Glad to hear the unvarnished truth, no matter whether Bush 41 is dead or alive.
    Could not watch more than a few minutes of the funeral…. the usual hypocritical hyperbole from the Deep State. Obama still has his nose stuck up in the air.
    A Pox on all of them, except for President Trump. The only patriot in the bunch.


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