Michelle Malkin: #FreeMartyG – exposing America’s secret prisons – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin: #FreeMartyG – exposing America’s secret prisons

Marty Gottesfeld, 37, is an American political prisoner. There’s just no other way to describe the self-taught, nonviolent techie/medical freedom activist now locked away in solitary confinement at a secret federal detention facility in Marion, Illinois — after being transferred this month from a different secret center in Terre Haute, Indiana. Both are known as “communications management units” (CMUs) in prison industrial complex bureaucrat-ese.

Or you could just call them un-American penitentiary black holes.

Twice — last June and this week — I’ve asked the federal Bureau of Prisons to explain why Marty is being held in solitary confinement, how long he has been squirreled away and on what grounds he was transferred. “For privacy, safety, and security reasons,” I was told, “the BOP does not discuss any individual inmate’s conditions of confinement to include housing quarters or reasons for transfer.” This past Sunday marked four full months that Marty has been in solitary and blocked from communicating with loved ones or the media.

I first learned of Marty’s plight — and his heroism — five years ago from his loyal and vigilant wife, Dana, whose words in defense of the dissident action he took that earned him a 10-year federal sentence have never left me:

“It was the right thing to do.”

A quick recap for those who have never heard of, or have forgotten, the “Free Marty G” nightmare. In 2013, a young girl named Justina Pelletier was ripped from her parents’ custody by Boston Children’s Hospital. The teen, who has mitochondrial disease and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, had gone to BCH after coming down with a severe case of the flu. Instead of receiving top-notch care and attention at BCH, however, Justina was medically kidnapped and recklessly re-diagnosed with a psychological condition, “somatoform disorder.” MORE

10 Comments on Michelle Malkin: #FreeMartyG – exposing America’s secret prisons

  1. What they did to that girl is horrible enough. These child protective services in every state have been terrorists for decades.
    The federal government are also terrorists for what they’re doing to this man along with all the Jan. 6th protesters and who knows how many other people we don’t know about.

    I am beginning to despise people in this country.

  2. It has been going on for a long time. We only hear about the blatant cases, (see, Waco and Randy Weaver) every day there is some local news about some poor putz who is suddenly of interest to le, and the news screams “so and so was being investigated for not wiping his ass and police discovered a PILE OF WEAPONS AND HUNDREDS OF ROUNDS OF AMMUNITION!!! and that is the last anyone heard of it… and it only became worse with the patriot act. As long as the complicit media toes the line, the public is none the wiser.

  3. @𝓒𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓮𝓻FJB𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂 February 4, 2022 at 4:46 am

    > As long as the complicit media toes the line, the public is none the wiser.

    Why should the public be any wiser? If they know the truth — as opposed to Truth(TM) — are they going to storm the bastilles? Do they know none of the truths?

    Was Waco a state secret? Was the January 6th not-insurrection a state secret? Will telling your drunk uncle Sean he has a drinking problem, again, change him?

  4. A conservative, “D”, union president said in ’47 “…THE GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM!”! He said it maybe 1,000 times more the next 40 years, including 2 times on Johnny’s show linked here at IOWT.

    Michelle is proving that Ronny is still right.the BP is just one of many (way too many) fed agencies that should be destroyed and all fired!

  5. The part that sticks out to me is, “..that ultra-restrictive unit that was created in the 9/11 era. ”
    A GW Bush creation.
    Man oh man! The truth about Bush is coming out. What a devious snake of an s o b.

  6. That was the real shocker to me when I retired in 2011 and bought an iPad and began to research. I was one of those pie eyed believers in everything Bush did or said. I am so ashamed of myself.
    When my late husband tried to get me to sit down and watch a “9-11 Truther” doc by Engineers and the like, I absolutely refused to consider the idea.
    Then when I retired and had the time to drill deep and read and watched Judy Wood….
    More shame at my naivete re Bush(es). I can thank IOTW and CTH for educating me on a daily basis… and you responders are a great part of that. You too Beachmom.


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