Michelle Malkin: Impeach Amnesty Ana—TV’s Foulest Open Borders Windbag – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin: Impeach Amnesty Ana—TV’s Foulest Open Borders Windbag

VDARE: Nope, it’s not obstreperously obnoxious Jim Acosta of CNN, who embodies the disingenuous sanctimony of Emma Lazarus utopianists.

It’s not former Washington Post reporter and illegal immigrant fraudster Jose Antonio Vargas, who represents the insatiable entitlement of amnesty mongers.

It’s not spittle-flecked Geraldo Rivera, who personifies ethnic identity narcissism.

And it’s not the lying liars of Time magazine, whose manufactured cover art fable of Yanela Sanchez (the illegal immigrant poster child for “separated families” at the border who was never actually separated from her mother) epitomizes Trump-deranged “fake news.”

If I had to name just one America-sabotaging mouthpiece who symbolizes the foulest of the Fourth Estate, it would be Ana Navarro-Cardenas, who last week was an honored front-row guest at Democratic presidential candidate and former veep Joe Biden’s Latino fundraiser in Miami and is now cheerleading for President Donald Trump’s impeachment. more here

8 Comments on Michelle Malkin: Impeach Amnesty Ana—TV’s Foulest Open Borders Windbag

  1. Ana has been an Americans are bad folk hate monger for decades! But the liberal/progressive at Fox – Shep the leftist Smith, is not far behind in hate for America. At least Ana does not pretend to be unbiased, and “even handed”! shep lies as much as he hates America!

  2. Michelle Malkin or VDARE or whomever,

    “. . .front-row guest at Democratic presidential candidate. . .”



    It is MOT and THEY are NOT “Democratic”



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