Michelle Malkin: Mask mandates are a public health menace – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin: Mask mandates are a public health menace


Jared Polis, the Democratic governor of Colorado, thinks those of us who oppose scientifically dubious, constitutionally suspect and dangerously overbroad face mask mandates are “selfish bastards.”

I think Polis is a pandering pandemic control freak endangering public health, safety, and sanity.

There. Now that the name-calling is out of the way, let’s talk facts.

Contracting COVID can be fatal or debilitating for the elderly, immune-compromised and physically challenged. But there is no catastrophic public health emergency justifying sweeping government orders and ordinances that would force healthy citizens to wear masks in an increasingly oppressive climate of manufactured fear — completely untethered from pragmatic realities and risk assessments.

According to the federal government’s own COVID-19 data, 120,675 deaths in America have been tied to the virus. Tracked weekly by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, fatalities peaked on April 18, 2020, with 16,897 succumbing to the disease. (Keep in mind that many medical whistleblowers have reported that these statistics are inflated by including “COVID”-related deaths uncorroborated by lab results and also by including patients who died with COVID infections, but not necessarily, from the virus itself.) In the 12 weeks since April 18, as states have reopened and protests (or riots) of all kinds have brought tens of thousands of people in close contact, deaths have fallen precipitously.

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18 Comments on Michelle Malkin: Mask mandates are a public health menace

  1. “Now that the name-calling is out of the way”. . . HARDLY!

    Jared Polis, the Democratic governor of Colorado is literally a narcissistic, nihilistic, misogynistic, sodomite. A self-absorbed, clueless talking dick with ears!

    Ahhhh, that feels better. NOW the name calling is out of the way.

  2. Most folk around me have not worn masks because we are conservative, Ronny folk. Now we can add a reason, other than love for America – which has been reason enough for me for almost 80years – they are dangerous!

  3. I told my husband that I might wind up in jail because I refuse masks – he’s not happy because he’s afraid of this virus and he’s afraid I will be responsible any contagion. Fear makes people do strange things but one thing I will never do is voluntarily give up my rights.

  4. Its easier to find studies that show low value masks are worthless than studies that show they do much of anything. Not only that but I see people wearing them beneath their noses or under their chin. My girl friend wears a paper mask that’s months old and torn and tattered, how germy or effective can it be?? Third world government right here in the good, old USA.

  5. If it won’t, say, protect you from teargas it won’t protect you from a virus (any virus).

    So all those people wearing cloth masks and bandanas are actually just feeling safe without being safe, which results in engaging in more risky behavior and increasing the odds of catching it.

    Will N95 masks protect from teargas? Don’t know as a fact but I doubt it since I see rioters wearing them obviously being affected by it. If they did, N95 masks and a pair of goggles would make teargas useless and using it something of no worth, but the police seem to keep using it and it seems to keep working.

  6. @Bobo the Hobo July 21, 2020 at 5:59 am

    > Fear makes people do strange things but one thing I will never do is voluntarily give up my rights.

    In these, The United Karens of State? That’s so cute!

  7. A mask has literally never touched my face. I refuse to comply with all these bullshit mandates and I feel awfully bad for the poor soul that attempts to mask shame me. I feel that 99% of the populace are weak willed sheeple, wanting desperately to “fit in”. I loathe appeasers. Sorry, not sorry.

  8. Finally something being said about Colorado being a hell hole….Polis and his ilk have miraculously been kept out of the press as if Colorado is a pristine place to be…he has destroyed Colorado…all in the name of wanting to run for President in 2024…

  9. In trying to protect my right to not wear a mask (which seriously freak me out and I can’t breath) for all my chemo and radiation appointments, DH and Daughter Dearest bit the bullet and wear a mask when the haul my butt around. They figure I will be taken seriously if they wear a mask when I’m not. I hate playing these flippin Dimocrat games.

    BTW, I made itt through my first brain radiation yesterday. 🙂

  10. On July 17th I was physically threatened by two employees and kicked out of a restaurant for not using a mask. I have a medical condition that results In a suppressed immune system and I will never wear a mask. I informed these employees upon entering the establishment of that fact and they ask for a card or a note from my doctor, saying anyone can say that.

    My lawyer is laughing.

  11. Sunday we ran to a tool store, we all know about men waiting on women in the clothing store, but not much about women waiting on men at a tool store. lol
    Anyway I went on outside and was going to go next door to the Stage store going out of business. That was until I read the sign on the door that said all customers were required to wear a mask. So after ranting to a couple on the sidewalk about masks, I went and sat down on a bench and waited until my husband looked at every tool twice. While sitting I was watching people go in and out of both stores. Out of about 30 people who walked up to Stage, about half read the sign and walked back to their car, the other half pulled nasty looking masks out of their purses and pockets and put them on.
    About 20 people went into the tool store, only one person wore a mask. It made me laugh when I seen it because the wife had on a mask and the husband didn’t. Then I laughed even more when I overheard the husband tell her to take that damn thing off.

  12. For most of this con I’ve not worn a mask until now. Our Mayor and the lefty city council made it mandatory to wear one if you use the TTC (Public Transit), go into any open shop (Grocery Store, Beer Store, Take out Restaurant, bookstore, gas station convenience store, any convenience store etc etc etc. They did this without giving a hint as to when this foolishness will stop. The 26 little Hitlers as well as the public health officer (unelected) are enjoying their power over the rest of us and are loath to give it up.

  13. The masks and the social distancing requirements are completely dehumanizing. I was in line at CVS the other day and I saw a woman who used to walk her dog in my neighborhood. We used to exchange pleasantries when our paths would cross whilst walking our respective dogs. I wanted to say ‘hi’ and acknowledge that I had heard through the grapevine that her doggo had passed, but I doubted she would recognize a masked me, out of the context of a neighborhood walk and also didn’t want to shout at her across the 6′ social distancing space. And so I said nothing.

  14. I have only worn a mask where it was required and I needed to go there and it was a legal mandate in that particular type of establishment: my dentist (!?), to get my hair cut, Chiropractor, etc. If a retail store had their own requirement to wear a mask, I would go elsewhere.


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