Michelle Malkin: Meet the ‘American students Last’ lobby – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin: Meet the ‘American students Last’ lobby

BPR: Who is funding the militant illegal immigrant youth army of thousands of entitled “Dreamers” that marched to Washington, D.C., for the Supreme Court hearing this week on President Barack Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty program?

Follow the money; find the truth. I’ve got the “Open Borders Inc.” breakdown for you of so-called DACA financiers and enablers on both sides of the political spectrum. Call them what they are: the “American Students Last” lobby.

Let’s start with Charles Koch. The libertarian billionaire has thrown his weight and fortune behind an amnesty brigade called the LIBRE Initiative. While the establishment right purports to oppose identity politics, LIBRE wraps itself in the mantle of “empowering Hispanics” to “advance liberty” and “prosperity.” Koch has poured more than $10 million into the ethnocentric group since 2011 under the slogan “Limited Government. Unlimited Opportunity.”

Translation: driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants, in-state tuition discounts for illegal immigrant students and securing a Congressional deal to codify the Obama administration’s blanket deportation shields and work permits for 800,000 illegal immigrant students if the Supreme Court strikes the deal down. keep reading

5 Comments on Michelle Malkin: Meet the ‘American students Last’ lobby

  1. The Koch Bros really turned out to be pieces of shit, didn’t they?

    During Obolas reign of terror they pretended to be pro America but really they’re just bloodsucking ticks getting richer at the expense of the American middle class

  2. The Krotch Bros are banking on coming
    out on top when the USA turns into a
    3rd world Mexi *HIT HOLE.They will be
    the facist kissing the ass of whoever
    commie demorat is in control…


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