Michelle Malkin: Never forgotten -the lies about Terri Schiavo – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin: Never forgotten -the lies about Terri Schiavo

Terri’s murder at the hands of a cabal of liars and grifters is more relevant than ever as Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Tech and Big Media elites conspire to undermine medical autonomy in the age of COVID-19.


This week marks the 17th anniversary of the court-sanctioned murder of Terri Schindler Schiavo. Under the order of a Florida judge who never bothered to visit her and an adulterous spouse-in-name-only who ranted “When is that b—— gonna die?” to one of Terri’s nurses, American legal and medical authorities supervised the cruel, two-week-long starvation and dehydration of a profoundly disabled woman who was not terminally ill and who had an army of family members ready to care for her for the rest of her natural life.

Bobby Schindler, Terri’s stalwart brother, penned a tribute to Terri this week as a reminder to those who have forgotten the family’s landmark battle to save her life.

“It was 1990, for those who do not remember, when Terri, at the age of 26, sustained a brain injury resulting from suspicious circumstances while home alone with her husband, Michael Schiavo,” Bobby wrote. “Terri’s brain injury affected her ability to swallow and therefore she needed a feeding tube to receive nourishment.”

Michael Schiavo became Terri’s court-appointed caretaker since she hadn’t created a medical directive. But shortly after a nearly $1 million medical trust was established to provide for her long-term medical needs, he declared he wanted to end her life — and inherit the cash. Terri’s family fought Michael Schiavo all the way to the Supreme Court and lost. Pro-life politicians tried to intervene, but the judicial deal was sealed, and Terri’s death sentence was unstoppable. read more

12 Comments on Michelle Malkin: Never forgotten -the lies about Terri Schiavo

  1. It was quite the awakening.
    To watch countless assholes who had nothing to do with the family cheer when they finally succeeded in killing the poor woman.
    And that was prior to internet mobs.
    If that happened today it the evil bastards would be enough to make me sick for a month.
    Sick world on it’s deathbed…

  2. This woman had become a vegetable. Brain scans showed that there was nothing left of her brain, and she had the mental capacity of a carrot. It wasn’t her physical death that was a tragedy, it was the death of her brain that was a tragedy. Should I ever end up like that, PLEASE pull the plug. She would probably have said the same thing.

  3. I remember this case well. It should of remained a private family decision. Whatever the outcome it never belonged in the public forum. Everyone deserves dignity in death if it is an option.
    May she rest in peace

  4. The case was the beginning of the end of Libertarianism whose acolytes cheered wildly.

    Some good came out of it after all.

    PS I see the trolls are out. I guess this case scares them as much as the FL law.

  5. Malkin is pointing out many similarities to covid outcomes with Shaivo’s plight without “going there.” It makes me wonder why she is self-censoring. Or is she just letting the reader draw his/her own conclusion about the parallels?
    This is not, ultimately, a story about Terry Shaivo. It is a grim reminder of a crossing of the rubicon by the U.S. gov’t under the guise of what is looking, more and more, to be their own engineered health crisis. And in their use of that crisis, to achieve many evil things. The U.S. gov’t (and many other western gov’ts) are the collective anti-Terry Shaivo’s of the covid era.

  6. an ol exJarhead April 3, 2022 at 4:22 am

    Killed for $. Crime DOES pay!

    That’s what this clot shot jab is all about, murdering people for $$$$. But it’s been a twisted murder scene, since 2020. It is a crime and no one can sue the money makers.

  7. Holding fluids and nourishment from people in nursing homes happens a lot. With the family’s permission. I only know this because my sister worked in a nursing home for awhile. Isn’t it the American way to get rid of old and useless things like statues, historical buildings,and what is deemed unless people. Look at our homeless vets. Just dumped to live in the streets.


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