Michelle Malkin: The Zuckerberg heist – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin: The Zuckerberg heist


You were warned.

In September 2020, right here in this nationally syndicated newspaper column and on a subsequent report on my Newsmax show, “Sovereign Nation,” I sounded the alarm over Silicon Valley’s hijacking of our election system through a private nonprofit called the Center for Technology and Civic Life.

In October, I tipped off the White House and publicly urged the FBI and Justice Department to investigate. Nothing was done. Not a single federal official objected. So, the Zuckerberg Heist will happen again and again in this farce of a constitutional republic. Free and fair elections in America are a pipe dream.

In case you were snoozing, as far too many citizens in this country are, CTCL is the deep-pocketed liberal advocacy group subsidized by Big Tech oligarchs and radical philanthropists. The center received $350 million from Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan. Election information-rigging Google is a top corporate partner. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Democracy Fund (founded by “Never Trumper” billionaire and eBay former chairman Pierre Omidyar) also pitched in. There are unknown other wealthy donors to the 501(c)(3) “charity,” but I can’t tell you who and how many they are because their identities are protected by IRS rules.

I was able to tell you last fall how CTCL solicited over 1,100 applications from across the country for the group’s purported “COVID-19 Response Grant Program” to “provide funding to U.S. local election offices” that steered voters toward alternatives to traditional voting. The pandemic provided a handy ruse to sabotage our regular Election Day experience through less transparent, more manipulable absentee and vote-by-mail mechanisms. read more

12 Comments on Michelle Malkin: The Zuckerberg heist

  1. Some guy was saying that instead of yelling at Pierre Delecto and Linda Gram in the airport someone needs to walk up to them and put a spitball in their heads. They need to be unable to feel safe in public. They can not be allowed to go to a restaurant, go to a sporting event, go on a vacation in public, any type of event or location without 20 cops or military guarding them.

    If Nasty Pelotas and Chuck Scumbag are unable to be gotten close enough to then the guy said you have to get Nastys son or Scumbags daughter, or mother or father or sister and put a spitball in their heads. They cant be allowed to enjoy life in public.

  2. Start going after the lame stream media assholes like Zucker, and his crew of communist turds. Turn that cocksucker Kimmel into hamburger, take out the propaganda arm of the uniparty, one of the basic tenants of fighting a war is disrupting their communication.

  3. “founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan”

    I used to wonder why so many politicians and celebrities have Asian wives. I think I know the answer now…

  4. @M Ghandi, Clothier to the World, Fine Men’s Sleepwear a Specialty…

    Yeah, that was me, on Thursday:

    “I have changed my opinion of the hecklers who accosted the purple turtle and his wife at that restaurant in 2018. Well done, hecklers. Especially the guy who took their doggy bag. Also, I now fully endorse harassing politicians dining out.”


    Also, social media server warehouses need to go up in flames.


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