Michelle Malkin to Trump: ‘Shut Down’ Federal Reserve Remittance Program for Illegal Aliens – IOTW Report

Michelle Malkin to Trump: ‘Shut Down’ Federal Reserve Remittance Program for Illegal Aliens


Columnist Michelle Malkin is calling on President Trump to “shut down” a Federal Reserve program that profits off remittances sent to foreign countries by illegal aliens.

During an interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Malkin detailed how the Federal Reserve actually aids illegal aliens living in the United States through a federal remittance program, included in her latest bookOpen Borders, Inc: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?

“I was working on a section in Chapter One which is on the caravan cartel called ‘Banking on Illegals’ and I’d reported on this all the way back from the late 1990s on Bank of America and Wells Fargo and private institutions that were profiting,” Malkin said. “And in the middle of that research, I discovered the Federal Reserve, itself, was trying to hone in on this segment of the market with its own program to have a remittance program that is specifically marketed to illegal aliens in America.”

“This program still exists, it doesn’t make a lot of money, but the idea that the federal government itself is breaking the laws of aiding and abetting illegal aliens and that it hasn’t been shut down,” Malkin continued. “I mean not only should President Trump fulfill the promise that he made many, many, many months ago to tax remittances but he should shut down this Federal Reserve program as well.”

The “Directo a Mexico” program Malkin references was started by former President George W. Bush’s administration in 2005, funneling remittances through the Federal Reserve directly to Mexico’s central bank, according to Judicial Watch, which has been suing the federal government for more information on the scheme. read more

9 Comments on Michelle Malkin to Trump: ‘Shut Down’ Federal Reserve Remittance Program for Illegal Aliens

  1. Sometimes you can’t even get to the customer service booth at my local grocery store for all the Mexicans standing in line with money to wire back home. Western Union is making a FORTUNE off of this.

  2. From the article: “Mexico, in 2017 alone, received about $30 billion in untaxed remittances from foreign nationals living in the U.S., while China took in between $15 to $20 billion that year. India and the Phillippines also enjoyed more than $10 billion in untaxed remittances sent from foreign nationals living in the U.S.”

    People need to start swinging from a rope by their necks for this, start with GWB.

  3. I think a modest tax on remittances is in order but the largest change to the process would be a new requirement for the sending of money overseas and that would be a federal government issue of a photo ID card that is only issued after the person has provided the appropriate identification and it’s been vetted by the feds. Sort of a money passport that has to be presented by the owner each time they want to send a remittance payment overseas. Western Union or whoever is sending the money has to (as part of their fee) access a database to confirm the cad is still valid and enter how much is being sent in the database. Use the small tax on the remittance to finance the issuing of the card and the database of payments. Bet that would slow the payments by illegals right quick.

  4. The only writer who may be braver, and smarter than Kurt is Michelle. She clearly loves Americans and America. And is not afraid to show her love for us and tell the truth!

    She has pointed out many times the last 18years that when Bill left office the “official” estimate of criminal aliens in America was between 500,000 and 600,0000. As she said here the America hater GWB, working closely with the English Mexican Drug Lord – Mexican President Vince Fox, “imported between 10,000,000 and 15,000,000 criminal aliens. You have to either be very brave, or a nut case, to call a duly elected President antiAmericans. Michelle is brave!

  5. I just came from Walmart – I was on line for 20 minutes to return one item – The man in front of me was hispanic and was sending money via Western Union. It took forever and I could see his (what appeared to be a foreign) passport as the CSR took his information. So, somebody is asking for personal information – Maybe Western Union? The problem is, I don’t think legally they have to reveal that information to the government and I don’t know if you can change the law on something like that. I saw him checking out as I was and he swiped a card to pay for it – What’s the bet it was an EBT card? Hand Up! We paid for his chips and beef. Disgusting.

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