Michelle Obama: Children Are ‘Torn From Their Families And Thrown Into Cages.’ Her Husband Built The Cages. – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama: Children Are ‘Torn From Their Families And Thrown Into Cages.’ Her Husband Built The Cages.

Daily Wire: Former first lady Michelle Obama claimed on Monday night that the Trump administration was taking children from their families and throwing them into cages but failed to mention that her husband, former President Barack Obama, was the one who built them.

Michelle Obama claimed that “right now, kids in this country are” watching “in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages.”

Michelle’s remark was just one of many false or misleading statements that she made during her speech at the Democratic National Convention.

The Associated Press said that Michelle Obama’s remarks were “a frequent and distorted point made widely by Democrats.” more here

15 Comments on Michelle Obama: Children Are ‘Torn From Their Families And Thrown Into Cages.’ Her Husband Built The Cages.

  1. I have seen a couple of references in the last week to the “cages” canard. This tells me Dems are having problems with the latino vote. Also, there was a latina gal on the Dem Telethon telling how Trump killed her dad with the Covid. Ay, carambavirus, Democrats!

  2. What a swamp creature. Is he/she/it up there blathering because it wants back in the white house? Or just following orders?
    Look at the beard clearly visible in the pic on the link.

  3. I think whats most interesting is that the AP called her on the lies and distortions. The AP has always been one of the house guards for the Democrats and for them to do something close to actual journalism may be signalling that at least some of the MSM is getting ready to throw Biden and the Slut under the bus.

  4. Moochelle is the sort of person who rams their car into yours in an intersection from behind going 5 miles an hour and blames you for it.

    MooOoOooocHaNell is the sort of person who raises a school shooter or a transvestite and then takes no responsibility for it.

    Moo Moo Channel is the problem with society.


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