Michelle Obama insults women voters – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama insults women voters

Patriot Retort: What the hell is wrong with Democrats and why in the name of sweet fancy Moses do they keep insulting women voters?

Two weeks ago, Hillary claimed that the women who voted for Trump only did it because their husbands or boyfriends told them to.


And now Michelle Obama comes out attacking women voters too.

Appearing at some dumba$$ event in Boston, the former First Shrew said this:

“Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice.”

First off, grammar much, Michelle?

Any woman is singular. “Their” is plural.

So I think what you meant to say was “Any woman who voted against Hillary voted against her own voice.”

I guess neither Princeton nor Harvard provided you with an education in proper grammar.

Yeah. I’m calling her a dumb b!tch.

Hey, if she’s going to insult me, I have no problem with insulting her right back.  MORE

33 Comments on Michelle Obama insults women voters

  1. MJA
    He may have used “their” instead of “her” because the retards who listen to big Mike would have thought the “her” was killary.

    They would be sayin. What cho talking bout Mike they voted ganst her intrest? We know dat cuz they voted gainst her.

  2. This is just pathetic and morally bankrupt. As a woman I didn’t vote for the woman that protected her rapist sexual predator husband. Going so far as to destroy the women he victimized. I voted for the man who said something crass privately over a decade ago that hurt no one. Anyone that can’t see the difference is a lost cause.

  3. I don’t know which one should STFU first, hellary or Moose. I know in my house I do not order my wife to do anything. If I ask nicely, normally she will comply but orders go over like lead balloons. Ordering my bride makes the injun come out in her and I got to sleep sometime.

  4. @Badbrad. You are right,
    Actually, I listened to the booby bint who screamed kill all the white babies, whom I opine speak for Michelle and her ilk.
    If certain women knew who their baby daddy was, maybe they would listen to them too, hmmmmm?

  5. Thanks for gorillasplaining it to those dumb broads, Mooch.

    Where would they be without you dragging them to the top of the Empire State Building so they could see the big picture like you do.

  6. And Katie Pavlich says, “Bite me, Michelle.”

    I’m with you on the grammar thing. If you’re going to insult me, Mooch, do it in proper English. Apart from that, my gender isn’t my entire identity so go be moronic somewhere else.

  7. Grammer wars aside, I only wish somebody had the balls to ask the question that the writer points out where a woman voted against her own voice if she voted for Obama in 2008 and again in 1016 if she voted for Trump. Loved to have seen her tap dance her way off the stage trying to answer why an unknown Obama, with no track record was such a better cnadidate then Hillary was and thus deserved all those women voting against their voices.

  8. So I was supposed to vote for an incompetent, self-serving, lying shrew just because she happens to be a woman? I don’t think so, Michelle. Trump is certainly no crown jewel, but I could not, in good conscience, vote for the likes of Hillary Clinton. She is not and never will be my voice.

  9. The women she is speaking to are not so stupid as to vote for someone just because they share genetic similarities.

    I guess the same can’t be said of certain races. Or certain women.
    Eat a Colin Michelle.

  10. Identity politics comes down to people you’ve never met, who don’t know you, and who really don’t give a shit about you presuming they own your vote because of a political demographic that they created and put you into without your input or consent at all.

    Some people are sheep, and totally succumb to this easily. Others are wolves who realize this is a good way to exploit sheep. And what’s leftover are human beings who believe in Liberty and Individual Rights; not collectivist bullshit.

    Fuck You Democrats.

  11. Her statement is pure gold dust. Keep it up Shelly and Hillary, the more you spout off, the more women you put down, democrat politicians lose voters.

    They are doing good work helping to destroy what is left of the D party.

  12. She said that the women who voted for Trump did so because they were told to by their husbands.
    So….She’s mad because we (supposedly) voted for who we were told to vote for but not who we were told (by her) to vote for.

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