Michelle Obama: Melania Needs Better Diet – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama: Melania Needs Better Diet



WASHINGTON (World News Bureau) – Outgoing First Lady Michelle Obama appears to have again indirectly criticized Melania Trump after Trump was widely quoted saying she “hates rabbit food” and enjoys chocolate every day.

“I can look at a person and tell if they eat healthy or not,” Obama told a Vanity Fair interviewer on Wednesday.  MORE

29 Comments on Michelle Obama: Melania Needs Better Diet

  1. If Melania wanted to eat chocolate covered potato chips in bed I’d be fine with it. If that bitch michele even tried to get in my house I’d beat her till she promised to never darken my door again.

  2. That planet-sized *ss needs to go look in a mirror. Isn’t she the one who said pizza is her favorite food and who fat-shamed her youngest (alleged) daughter?

    Time to hit the kitchen for some Harry and David Moose Munch and maybe I’ll look like Melania in the morning.

  3. You would think being a tranny like Micky is he would keep his yammerhole shut about any real female looking like the First Lady to be. But typical of low rent low intelligence ghetto whore like him, nothing surprises. Slapping a glued down wig on doesn’t make you female, bitch. A nasty assed personality like yours might, but you fail all around. you are just a big assed, no tits tranny with a personality of the Crypt Keeper. GTF away and dont EVER come back.

  4. What’s the problem, is her ass smaller than yours Mooch?
    I’ve had horses with a more dainty derrière than the Wookie’s.
    She could breed with a thoroughbred but they can’t be artificially inseminated so, the stallion would buck at that idea.

  5. “I can look at a person and tell if they are eating right.” said the most photo-shopped cover girl in the history of the World.

    So we can assume that upon the Obama’s arrival all of the mirrors were cover over or removed from the White House then?

    Only 27 more days! Lord, give us strength to make it until then.

  6. If we weren’t paying for these clowns, it would be hilarious to contemplate these idiots vacaying in Venice, living it up in the WH with ghetto-trash ‘concerts’, Mr Mooch in designer dresses, and Barky using 20oz barbells in hotel gyms….. what a hoot these 8 yrs have been!
    A reality show of the DC Hillbillys. Except we’re paying (overpaying) thru the nose and they mess up our lives and insult us regularly too.


    Scooter, you magnificent bastard !!

  8. Dear Mooch,
    Uummmmmm…….since exactly WHEN did you go through medical school, pass all exams, go through residency, et al, to get your MD, to be able to tell exactly who is healthy and who is not, just by looking?
    Inquiring minds, and all that….

  9. The transgender looked disgusting at the Inauguration. Her legs in the red Op Shop dress were a dead giveaway she is a man. Why is the media too frightened to say boo about it and her bad manners. It is only because she is black. Thank God we now have a Lady in the White House. They should not have been allowed at the ceremonies let alone use Air Force One.

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