Michelle Obama ready for anonymity after ‘painful’ election – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama ready for anonymity after ‘painful’ election

I mistakenly read ‘painful erection’… Was that just me?


Michelle Obama is looking forward to getting her “anonymity” back.

The first lady complained in an interview that aired Monday night with Oprah Winfrey on CBS that her biggest sacrifice while Barack Obama served as president was giving up her ability to be anonymous.

But soon, she believes, that’ll change.



“You know, there’s nowhere I can go in the world and just sit at a table and have a cup of coffee and watch the world,” Obama said in what is expected to be her final sit-down interview.

Oprah doubted Obama will get her anonymity back — but the outgoing first lady was insistent.

“Yes, I am. Now it’s all gonna change,” Obama said at the White House.

The politician’s wife also said that she wouldn’t be running for office.

“That’s one thing I don’t do. I don’t make stuff up. I’m not coy. I’ve proven that. I’m pretty direct,” Obama told Oprah.


32 Comments on Michelle Obama ready for anonymity after ‘painful’ election

  1. Reminds me of all those famous assholes whining about being “recognized” while wearing, or looking, in their “trademark” fashion.
    What a crock of lying, hypocritical bullshit.

    Face it – if Elvis had let his hair go back blond, got a crew-cut, put on some used overalls, and drove around in a 67 Ford pick-up, nobody woulda known him from Adam. Same with Moose – go blond, get a crew-cut, put on some used overalls, and drive around in a 67 Ford pick-up, and nobody would know her from any other transvestite.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “there’s nowhere I can go in the world and just sit at a table and have a cup of coffee”

    not without at least a pound cake, a few muffins and some bagels with cream cheese for starters.

    maybe anyone who recognizes our ex-first lady will have the gracious good sense to spit on her for the rest of us denied the opportunity.

  3. DONT BELIEVE THAT. Someone said this and I’m inclined to believe it:

    “Thinking about Seth Rich and the power struggle going on in DC:
    I believe Seth Rich was the errand boy to give the leaked info, probably a thumb drive, or similar, to the Wikileaks contact, then was killed.
    I believe Brennan was the source and Val Jar(rett) ordered the leak.
    It’s part of taking down the Clinton structure and set up Obama as the power in DC.

    Podesta and the Clintons are on the receiving end of a hostile takover.
    I believe Seth was killed, after he gave up the info to the contact. They killed the messenger, because he knew where he got the info. Can’t leave him alive, in case down the road someone had questions and forced or tricked him into talking.
    Dead men don’t talk.

    I believe Seth went out to meet the contact and deliver the info.
    After that, he was killed on his way back home.
    The package was delivered and the messenger won’t be discussing it ever.
    Meanwhile the info damaged the Clinton machine, the old guard at the DNC and Podesta.

    It clears a path for the Obamas to be the future.
    He and Michelle are far from done in their careers.
    The Clintons are the past.
    Their power is waning, fast. There is no future for them.

    The donors are already being poached or looking for alternatives.
    Obama’s organization/foundation will rival and dwarf the Clinton Foundation and the Center for American Progress.
    Val Jar and Brennan did this to advance the Obama cabal’s future.
    They are the new game in town.
    Remember ValJar hates the Clintons and never liked Podesta.”

    Now just to get this to the Clintons and Podesta the Molesta and put the cat among the pigeons.
    Then bring the popcorn and sit back and watch

  4. Two rich black women whose wealth came, not from any advancement for mankind but as a result of white guilt, complain about racism.

    If not for the good fortune of fate, these two women would be sitting in mud huts lamenting the quality of monkey meat.

  5. “…That’s one thing I don’t do. I don’t make stuff up. I’m not coy. I’ve proven that. I’m pretty direct,” Obama told Oprah…”

    What did Al Franken say? Oh yeah, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them!

    She lacks worse than grace.

  6. Not gonna happen, Mooch. Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone. That you push yourself to be better. And that you engage. Barack will never allow you to go back to your life as usual, uninvolved, uninformed.

  7. She’ll run for Senate in 2018, probably in New York taking Gildabrand’s seat after she’s promised some nice executive position in the 2022 presidential election or Feinstein is going to retire and Moose will run instead.

  8. Third Twin – excellent to rebut them with their own admonishing/chastisement for us common people.

    But, I guess this also means that, with her new-found anonymity, Michelle won’t regard it an act of Racism when she’s “mistaken for the help” and not recognized for who she really is.

  9. I know I’d prefer to have never heard of her and America & the world would be better off if we had never heard of her and her con man husband.

    The whiny hag is the only woman in history who looks slimmer in photos than in person. Yet you can always depend on Moosehell to find something to bitch about while she’s living it up on millions of taxpayers’ dollars. The most ungrateful FLOTUS in history.

    I recommend she start her journey back to anonymous status by leaving early. Don’t return to the WH. Ever.

  10. What this carpetbagger is looking for is a “no show” job paying at least a quarter mill a year just like she had in Chicago when Obama was a Senator. They and the Clintons are the most corrupt political families in history.

  11. If she really wants anonymity she should just shut the hell up No one cares what she says.
    just go quietly into the night and stay away from the press. No one wants to think about you or hear from you anymore.

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