Michelle Obama Rejected Original Portrait – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama Rejected Original Portrait

WASHINGTON (World News Bureau) – Sources say Michelle Obama requested a revised portrait be done after seeing the original.

“Mrs. Obama felt the original depiction (below) by Baltimore artist Amy Sherald downplayed her femininity – something important to her in being a role model for women everywhere,” said a Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery executive. “The decision was made to picture the former First Lady in a colorful dress. The result is stunning.”  Go see

23 Comments on Michelle Obama Rejected Original Portrait

  1. MJA — I really love your posts, particularly the ones using this Shirley Temple pic, and especially, especially the “Stinky smell” girl. They resonate with me so much!

  2. Ain’t nothin’ feminine bout this laydee. It’s true she needs to be spinned female cause she ain’t got much natural womanliness.

    Moochelle was our first transvestite “lady.”

  3. She claimed she wanted to be a role model, so that chillren can look at a portrait of a person that looks like them and dream big.

    So what about all those tranny chillren with wide shoulders and plow-capable hips?!
    Who dey gonna look up to now?!!!

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