Michelle Obama: Sometimes ‘I Wanted To Push Barack Out Of The Window’ – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama: Sometimes ‘I Wanted To Push Barack Out Of The Window’

Conservative Brief:
It looks like former First Lady Michelle Obama is just as desperate for attention as her husband.

During a segment on her new podcast, Michelle Obama said she wanted to “push Barack out of the window” and compared her marriage to basketball before admitting that “Barack and I have been broken off and on…”

Joined with comedian host Conan O’Brien on the podcast, Obama was speaking romantic relationships and marriage.

During the talk,  Obama admitted that her marriage to former President Barack Obama has been a rough one.

“There were times that I wanted to push Barack out of the window. And I say that because it’s like, you’ve got to know the feelings will be intense. But that doesn’t mean you quit. And these periods can last a long time. They can last years,” she said.

Obama went on to say that she and Barack have been broken off and on throughout their marriage. more here

39 Comments on Michelle Obama: Sometimes ‘I Wanted To Push Barack Out Of The Window’

  1. “…compared her marriage to basketball…”

    I was on a jury, and we had one black holdout juror who made us come back on Monday, instead of rendering a verdict on Friday, After a week of deliberation. Because, somehow, our deliberations were like a basketball game, and he had the ball.

    Maybe basketball is not a good analogy to use if you’re trying to solve a problem. Just a thought, Michelle.

  2. Thirdtwin SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 AT 9:51 AM
    “…compared her marriage to basketball…”

    …well, Barry was a fake basketball player who could only get REAL basketball players to play with him because he was a fake President, and Mooch is a fake woman, and their fake marriage sucks just like Barry’s basketball playing does, so maybe it’s not that bad a metaphor after all…

  3. She always looks and sounds like she’d like to push everyone out the window. Unfortunately for her she was such a lousy lawyer and so unlikeable that she had to marry Barry to get rich and live like a spoiled queen.

  4. Thirdtwin SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 AT 9:51 AM

    “I was on a jury, and we had one black holdout juror who made us come back on Monday, instead of rendering a verdict on Friday, After a week of deliberation. Because, somehow, our deliberations were like a basketball game, and he had the ball.”

    …I was on a jury one time where there was a White guy who was charged with drug possession because he was found in the passenger side of a car in a Black neighborhood with drugs at his feet, hence “under his control”. He clamed that it was because the driver, who was for obvous reasons being tried separately, threw the drugs he had just purchased from a drug dealer in the neighborhood they had specifically gone to for the purposes of buying drugs, at his feet as soon as the Police pulled them over.

    Not sure the guy was as innocent as he clamed, but one contention he made when his lawyer asked him why he didn’t get out of the car and walk away immediately was “because he was scared of the neighborhood”.

    I KNOW that neighborhood, its history, and its population.

    He was White, so he had some damn good REASONS to be scared to walk around in it with his White face hanging out.

    But we had a Black juror who disagreed.

    “I don’t know why that boy told us he doesn’t like Black people”, he said, even though that wasn’t even CLOSE to what the defendant’s testimony, a copy of which was readily availabe. “I’ve been to that neighborhood and I feel perfectly safe”, he argued.

    “THAT’S BECAUSE YOU’RE BLACK!” I wanted to scream at him.

    But didn’t.

    Because it was a courtroom in a Democrat city with a Democrat judge presiding.

    And you can’t say anything about Black people beating up White people and robbing them, because, racist.

    It ultimately didn’t matter anyway because the guy had more and worse holes in his story than that, plus the statue was very clear about what “in your control” was and he met it, so I didn’t really feel bad about voting to convict a druggie who was trolling the ‘hood for a score.

    It was just memorable because of the fact that, even then, many years ago, it was impossible to contextualize things as they needed to be, in the framework of race, because even though it was pertinent to that particular part of the argument, it was also off-limits because it was racist to even discuss it as a matter of LAW.

    Which was why, when the case was decided and the judge said we were free to talk about it and specifically ASKED the jury if they had anything to say, we White people exchanged looks but said nothing.

    Because it’s an off-limits subject, and has been for my entire lifetime.

    The wound not treated is the wound that festers and ultimately kills.

    And we cannot treat this wound because we are not even able to point to it.

    So it will kill us, sooner or later, probably sooner.

    Because it’s rude to properly diagnose this particular disease, because you are only allowed to blame the White cells and reject any research that points to anything else.

    And the only doctors we have are congressional Faucis, using the disease only to further their own selfish political ends.

    And so the corruption will consume this Nation.

    Because we want to be polite…

  5. Why does Big Mike say crazy shit like this? Does he think it’s normal to want to push someone out of a window? He is a psychopath and doesn’t even try to hide his craziness. Why do people give him a free pass on such aberrant behavior? Is it because he pretends to be a woman? If a man (let’s play along with the delusion that Big Mike is anything but) said he wanted to push a woman out of a window, he would be accused of misogyny.

  6. …you know that old saying, “If you put 100 monkeys with typewriters in a room long enough, eventually you’ll get Hamlet.” ?

    …well, maybe if you let one male Sasquatch pretending to be female say 10,000 stupid things in public, maybe ONE of them will be something we can actually AGREE with…

  7. SNS, your jury story underscores the importance of Candace Owens ‘ #Blexit movement. It’s that movement that has created a platform for blacks to critique the problems within their own “community”. Under Democrat control, they think of themselves as one big family, and the dirty laundry doesn’t get washed in a dysfunctioning family, and they defend themselves against outside criticism. Kirk, Owens and Straka are changing that.

  8. Fun Factoid: Mike Obama’s secret service nickname: “Renaissance”
    For the life of me I can’t imagine why but the dictionary says renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth.” LOL Then there’s that whole “Becoming Michelle” book thing.

  9. WDS
    SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 AT 11:15 AM
    “Fun Factoid: Mike Obama’s secret service nickname: “Renaissance”
    For the life of me I can’t imagine why but the dictionary says renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth.” LOL”

    …I think she’s really more of an AFTERbirth, or “Le Placenta” in French, but that doesn’t really sound “cool” on the radio and could help boost the lie about Mooch being a woman to code him with something that comes from a female body…


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