Michelle Obama Tells Oprah: Men ‘Don’t Have to Balance Anything’ in Their Lives – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama Tells Oprah: Men ‘Don’t Have to Balance Anything’ in Their Lives

“I think that’s one of the number one issues with women. I have never, in all of my years of interviewing, have ever heard a man say, ‘You know, I just don’t have the time. I just don’t. I don’t find a way to balance,’ Winfrey said.

“You know why? ‘Cause they don’t have to balance anything,” Obama said. “Sorry.”

SNIP: Can you believe those words came out of  the mouths of these two elitist, horse hair wig-hatted …

michelle and oprah

27 Comments on Michelle Obama Tells Oprah: Men ‘Don’t Have to Balance Anything’ in Their Lives

  1. Old Micheal is such a good balancer lets give him a temporary job balancing himself on a ten-inch wide steel beam on the 20th floor of a skyscraper construction project!
    Mooch has never done any hard physical labor in his entire life but he sure can work his tongue into total exhaustion!

  2. From the beginning of time men have had to balance not just being able to survive, but to do so within the shadow of the predominant emotional stupidity of the female to make uniformed decisions regarding that survival.

    Women should stay at home and make babies – preferably NON-MUSLOID babies.

  3. I get up around 6am, make sure to take care of the kids, chickens, dogs, garden, eat breakfast and lunch, plan dinner, go grocery shopping, go hardware shopping to fix crap around the house and have it all done around noon so I can spend the rest of the day drinking beer, smoking meat, and commenting on iOTWr. I guess these hags are right in a sense, I call it priorities, not balance.

  4. Such an insult to husbands who are the main wage earners in their families; who despite work pressures tend to their wives’ needs and help with chores in such a way that working together is a pleasure; who make time for their children, coaching their sports and taking them on fishing trips and special, occasional dinners out; who volunteer to help others, whether through church or just on a personal level. I am blessed to be married to such a man. Mooch is not.

  5. Moochella, Orcaopry, and Hilldabeest have some things in common…OLDER THAN DIRT, UGLIER THAN A MUD FENCE, AND MOUTHY AS HYENAS.. we wont even bring up their backbiting, angry, alphamale characteristics.. wonder how they do the daisy chains in muffdiving?

  6. I’m so tired of the man bashing, manscaping, and the war against man spreading. What the hell is wrong with these women. If you think our wonderful American men are so bad, try living with one of any other nationality-like ISIS terrorist, or being chattel in a middle Eastern country. Stop your bitching. Sure, demand respect, but for heaven’s sake start giving some back.

    You know, it is the height of irony; women bemoan that they are the poor, beleaguered, responsible parent, and yet they BITCH at their product-men. Grow up darlings, men and women are what WE make them.

  7. Tired Mom … No kidding. I also have an amazing, real man like that. He seldom complains. He works A LOT (too much) and still finds time to care about other people, including me and his grown children.
    Those two “women” are poisonous, rabid, flesh-eating, soul-destroying, fetid fumes. Putrid stench-speak is all they’re capable of uttering.

  8. Naah, men balance all the time. It’s called “arranging your affairs”. It’s part of life, always has been. Just never occurs to them to whine about it. OMG, breathing is sooo harrrd. I have to breathe and do all these other hard things, too? OMG, men have it sooo easy.

    Life would probably be a bit easier if you ladies weren’t always wasting time trying to conjure up new ways you are being downtrodden by the (cue the Darth Vader music) patriarchy.

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