Michelle Obama to write memoir – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama to write memoir


DailyMailUK: The Obamas set for a $40 million payday – HALF to Michelle to dish about her hatred of Hillary, the antics of daughters Sasha and Malia and an intimate peek at marriage to Barack (boxers or briefs?) in her own memoir.

President Obama has made more than a tidy $15 million from his books since he published his first – Dreams from My Father – in 1995, and now he’s set to earn another $15 to $20 million – or even more – from his forthcoming presidential memoir, top publishing insiders tell DailyMail.com.

And high-ranking publishing insiders are talking at least another ‘$20 million’ in an advance paycheck for First Lady Michelle Obama’s long-awaited – and highly anticipated – memoir about her eight White House years.

A source claims she’s been quietly working on her book already.




SNIP: I wonder , what will she write about and what will she name the book?
Any ideas?

46 Comments on Michelle Obama to write memoir

  1. When I was little, Grandma’s outhouse had squares of newspaper on a nail for when you finished your bidness. I used to search through the stack to find comics/pictures.

    Mooch’s book would be good for that unless, she specifies nasty paper just to continue with her spitefulness.

    Bye Mooch, continued good luck with your gender adventure

  2. I don’t think Obama’s original book sold a ton of copies individually but it was bought en mass by schools across the country. Expect more BS indoctrination, America is injustice, I was only proud when Barack was POTUS but now we are back in the dark ages BS. File under Fiction/Fantasy whatever it is called.

  3. Against my will, I was held as a prisoner for eight long years in a white colored prison surrounded by a ten-foot high wall manned by heavily armed guards with military grade automatic weapons and forced to perform slave labor in a vegetable garden!

  4. I seriously question if this ‘woman’ can even write at the HS level.

    It’ll take a team of creative writers to conjure up a human-type life for this fictitious wookie

  5. I seriously question if this ‘woman’ can even write at the HS level.

    It’ll take a team of creative writers to conjure up a human-type life for this fictitious wookie

  6. More book titles:
    “I Wish My Heart Was As Big As My Ass”

    “My Escape From Whitey’s Gulag”

    “Transgender And Bitter: No Way To Go Through Life”

    “Quantitative Easements: How We Never Run Out Of Other People’s Money For Vacations”

    “A Moment Of Truth: Pissing On The Oval Office Carpet”

    “Home And Garden – Shower Curtains Transformed Into Gorgeous Formal Dresses”

    “How We Learned To Love Wiping Our Ass On The Constitution”

    “Penises I Have Grown”

    “Fat Asses And Sweatpants – A Fashion Revolution”

  7. Milo gets a couple hundred thou advance on his book, and the entire libtard sphere started wallowing in its own feces.

    Mootch gets $20 mil? Well, that’s just totally cool, isn’t it?

    On the plus side though, this would mean she can stop spending *our* money on her massive vacations…

  8. How to hide your 8 inch schlong under a cocktail dress…. with foreskin, er, uh, foreword! by Barky the pole swallower. Includes hot tips about keeping flies off your mouth… most of the time…

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