Michelle Obama’s Policy Director Running for Governor of Maryland – IOTW Report

Michelle Obama’s Policy Director Running for Governor of Maryland

Is Malia too busy?

WFB: Krishanti Vignarajah, Michelle Obama’s former policy director, is running for governor of Maryland, with her gender at the forefront of her campaign.

“I am running for governor because I am worried my daughter will not have the same opportunities my parents gave me when they brought our family here when I was a baby girl,” Vignarajah said in a statement. “I hope Marylanders will agree the best man for the job is a woman.”

Vignarajah, who was raised in Maryland, was not just Obama’s policy director, but also served as senior adviser under Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry.

She has not served in elected office before, having graduated from Yale Law School and worked in law and business before her time at the White House.


21 Comments on Michelle Obama’s Policy Director Running for Governor of Maryland

  1. What the left finds appealing about her is the fact she’s exotic. Her name and appearance doesn’t look typical american. And of course she’s been taught to spout the usual drivel of the left.

  2. …we need a new generation of leadership that will make progress at home, while standing up to a White House that threatens the very values that unite and define us…

    OK, Krish, just what are those values? Be specific, don’t answer without identifying the principles that each value is based on. And for each value, state clearly how the “White House” (if you mean President Trump, please say President Trump) threatens it. Again, be specific by offering quotations with citations of date and occasion.

    I’m waiting…

  3. Aside: Maryland politics as dominated by D.C. and Baltimore make me ashamed to be a native Marylander.

    There are some suffering people on the Eastern Shore and out in Western Maryland I have a great deal of sympathy for. They are effectively unrepresented.

  4. “Leading with the Pubies, Vaginajah is poised and ready over a fertile field of stand-up candidates. She’s qualified, approved for landing and has great expectation that she will be eagerly received.”

  5. Yeah, she’ll teach her daughter how to steal and pocket taxpayer dollars and avoid criminal indictments all the while doing absolutely nothing for the people of Maryland.

  6. Garrett County MD is a national treasure. Deep Creek Lake and Swallow Falls are just wonderful places.
    I’d love to see a Trump rally there. It would be well attended.

    Same goes with Virginia. It’s not all Arlington and Alexandria. Go into the belly of the beast Mr
    Take back America

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