Michelle’s Motto: ‘Sometimes the best time is to do nothing at all’ – IOTW Report

Michelle’s Motto: ‘Sometimes the best time is to do nothing at all’



There is a part of me that thought I was beyond being shocked by anything the high-living Obamas do.  Somewhere deep down I believed that these people had to have a modicum of conscience at their core. To be honest, I secretly felt that at some point the gross excess would become a bit embarrassing and the Obamas’ orgy of self-indulgence would ease up a bit.

Boy, was I wrong.

Much to my astonishment, after chronicling all the travels and the affluent way of life enjoyed by the spoilt first lady, it turns out that while her husband was in Asia screwing up and eating $300 endangered blue fin tuna sushi, Michelle actually indulged in a secret spa weekend in Middleburg, Virginia.

If the second leg of her Hawaii vacation is counted as a separate trip, there would be Hawaii I and Hawaii II, Aspen, Key Largo, and China, with the Middleburg spa weekend being Michelle’s sixth getaway since the first of the year.

After 27 days in Hawaii (17 with familyand an additional 10 at Oprah’s Maui Estate), a star-studded birthday bash, a State Dinner in a heated tent on the South lawn dressed in a $12K Carolina Herreragown, skiing in Aspen for President’s Day weekend, bunking in an $8,400 per-night Presidential Suite in China for eight days, and Key Largo lodging at theOcean Reef Resort ($35 million net-worth members only), Michelle apparently felt entitled to sneak away for some well-earned downtime at Salamander Resort in Middleburg, Virginia.

The resort’s website reminds guests: “Sometimes the best time is to do nothing at all,” a motto both Michelle and her do nothing husband have apparently taken to heart.

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29 Comments on Michelle’s Motto: ‘Sometimes the best time is to do nothing at all’

  1. Think of all the homeless that could have been fed for MONTHS one end with all that wasted money these reprobates have indulged in.



  2. “Sometimes the best time is to do nothing at all,”

    There is something seriously wrong with that motto (grammar) and the Obamas.

    So when is our Bastille day?

  3. So many negatory things running through my mind but as my mommy always said “If you can’t say something nice…..”. Well mom even you can be wrong once in a while.

    Soooo totally pathetic!

  4. I’ll bet that this will be the first President in history to use the Presidential Pardon Authority to pardon himself, his wife and dozens if not hundreds of operatives. Some will have earned it while others paid for it and he’ll do it on the last day and tell the people it was done to stop conservative vengeance trials. Then the bastard will jet off to Hawaii to a walled in compound where he can brood with a few of the boys. Meanwhile Michelle will be filing for a divorce

  5. Every indulgent day brings her a step closer to the sludge in her veins being thicker than Crisco.

    Knock yourself out, Mooch.
    Even mad-mo prolly had something bad to say about GLUTTONY.

  6. Mooch once again displaying her rotund ignorance. I think she was trying to say, “Sometimes the best thing to do is to do nothing at all”.
    Then again the corrected quote is even more profoundly telling concerning Mooch’s twisted mindset.

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